II Pillar Pension Funds

II Pillar Pension Funds

II Pillar Pension Funds

  • Let today be calm for tomorrow
  • Contribute 3 % of your salary to your retirement savings and get 1.5 % of the national average wage from the state budget. Learn more at sodra.lt

Why choose Luminor II pillar pension funds?

  • Accumulating in our funds is cheaper. We charge lower than the maximum allowed asset management fee, which means more money towards your pension.
  • We are reliable partners with over 20 years of experience in the investment area. More than 311 000 customers across the Baltics* have confidence in us. Accumulating in Luminor funds, you will be entrusting your pension with one of the largest financial services providers in the Baltics. 
  • We believe in a long-term value of a socially responsible business for customers. We invest in the development of the companies promoting a positive impact on the environment and society across the Baltic region. Learn more
  • We offer more convenience. You‘ll be able to check your savings on our internet bank or mobile app. Every quarter, we‘ll share the overview of pension funds.
  • We invest in the Baltic Region. We make full use of the opportunities in the Baltic market and contribute to its development.

*The number of participants across the Baltics. Data by lb.lt, manapensija.lv, Luminor Latvijas atklātais pensiju fonds AS, Pensionikeskus, SSIA, 2023 12 31.

Learn how to prepare for the future now

How to start your pension fund

Submit documents. Please complete the Luminor II pillar pension fund application form on internet bank.

If you want to switch your current II pillar pension provider to Luminor, please visit any Luminor branch and sign a new contract. Further steps will be explained.  

You are not a customer? Become a customer!

Start accumulating an additional pension

  • If you are our customer, you can start accumulating in our internet bank
  • Not a customer yet? Visit us at the customer service center
  • If you visit our customer service center, remember to bring your passport or ID card
Important: The information presented on this page is of a promotional nature. This information cannot under any circumstances be treated as an individual consultation of a potential or existing pension fund participant, or as a personalized or targeted group offer to invest in pension funds. UAB “Luminor investicijų valdymas” uses generally recognized and reliable sources to provide statistical information, but under no circumstances can we be held responsible for inaccuracies or changes in these sources, if any.
Accumulation in pension funds is subject to investment risk, which means that the value of the investment may rise and fall, and you may recover less money than you have invested. The level of investment risk depends on the chosen pension fund. More detailed information about the level of investment risk of each pension fund can be found in the description of each pension fund. If investments are in foreign currency, exchange rate changes may affect return on investment. UAB “Luminor investicijų valdymas” does not guarantee return on investment, pension fund profitability or annuity payments. Past performance of pension funds does not guarantee future results. Before making a decision on accumulating an pension in Luminor pension funds, please assess the risk, familiarise yourself with the pension fund rules, deductions, the investment strategy and risk factors.
For those participants of the II Pillar pension accumulation system who have participated in the II Pillar pension accumulation process until 2018 12 31, the state social insurance old-age pension is reduced proportionally according to the procedure established by the Law on State Social Insurance Pensions.
Please note that II Pillar pension accumulation agreement may not be terminated, unless this agreement is concluded for the first time, and the participant is entitled to terminate it unilaterally within 30 calendar days of the conclusion of the agreement, after having notified the pension management company in writing.
Pension funds are managed by UAB “Luminor investicijų valdymas”, registration code 226299280.