Refinance Housing Loan in a Simplified Way

Refinance Housing Loan in a Simplified Way

Refinance Housing Loan in a Simplified Way

  • Take the opportunity to reduce costs
  • Submit the application and sign the contract remotely

What is Simplified Refinancing?

Simplified Refinancing – a faster and cheaper process of transferring a housing loan to another bank. You can get better repayment terms with fewer administrative hurdles. It applies only in specific cases:

  • The loan balance remains unchanged
  • The same property is used as collateral
  • The loan term does not extend
  • There are no overdue payments under the existing agreement

Don’t miss your opportunity to effectively reduce loan costs and optimize financial commitments.

Opportunity to get a lower bank margin

EUR 0 agreement fee

Loan transfer with no additional costs

How does the Home Loan Refinancing Process Work?

Fill out the application and submit documents online, selecting the purpose Refinance of a Housing Loan

Receive a loan offer and review the loan details

Sign the housing loan refinancing agreement remotely

Sign mortgage documents with a notary

What expenses will you incur? None!

  • New loan agreement fee – EUR 0
  • Real estate collateral agreement signing at a notary office – EUR 0
  • Registry fee for mortgage registration in the Real Property Register – EUR 0
  • Property valuation – EUR 0
Typical example of a housing loan: If the loan amount is EUR 110,000.00, the variable annual interest rate is 4.60 %, a one-off agreement fee is EUR 0, the agreement duration is 25 years, the monthly account maintenance fee is EUR 1.30, the mortgage registration fee for SE Centre of Registers is EUR 0, and 300 repayments are made by annuity, then the monthly payment will be EUR 618, the total amount paid by the borrower – EUR 185,353.66 and the annual percentage rate of charge (APR) – 4.66%.
Important: Pledged collateral must be insured. Insurance costs and costs related to additional products and services if chosen by you are not known to the bank and therefore are not included in the annual percentage rate of charge. Your loan is guaranteed against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up with repayments.
If a credit agreement is concluded in foreign currency, i.e. a credit is granted to a customer in a currency other than their income or the assets from which the credit is to be repaid, or in a currency other than that of the customer’s state of residence (the EU Member State), the change of the foreign currency compared to euro may significantly increase the amount of the credit and monthly payments.