Luminor Investor platform

Makes investing effortless

Start investing

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Luminor Investor was awarded as Smart solution of the year 2019 by Lithuanian Business Confederation

Starting investing in Luminor Investor now gives additional benefits!

Announcing the first winner of the Luminor Investor Campaign. Person, whose Luminor Investor account number is 23800/01EU32400, got a chance to double the investments, made during the period March 18 – June 30, 2024. The winner will be contacted directly.
Campaign still continues till September 30, 2024. Start investing in Luminor Investor and participate in the campaign with a chance to get your investments doubled up to EUR 900. Read more

The first investment platform in the Baltics for clients who know what they want. With Luminor Investor you can invest in more than 15 000 instruments including stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds. Do it anywhere, anytime on any device.

Why Luminor Investor

Industry leading transaction prices

  • Free investment account opening
  • No hidden fees
  • Costs calculator built inside platform to see exact upcoming costs for selected future period

Fast onboarding process

  • Sign Luminor Investor agreement
  • Fund your account within 30 days

Wide selection of only non-complex financial instruments

  • 12 000 stocks
  • 1350 ETFs
  • 400 mutual funds
  • 1360 Bonds

and numbers are constantly growing!

One of the biggest self-service mutual funds offering in Baltics

  • KIID documents provided on the platform

First platform in Baltics to offer electronic bond trading

  • Simple bond trading
  • Orders usually executed in less than 30 seconds

User friendly, multi-device

  • Simple UI for best experience – track your investments in your pocket
  • Understand what is happening – access to all information and news related to your investments in one place

Powerful filtering capabilities of financial instruments

  • Filter by asset class, country, sector, exchange, market capitalization, different company ratios, currencies, maturities, ratings, issuer names and much more
  • Get analyst consensuses from hundreds of global analysts

Adapted to your needs

  • Create the watchlist of your favorite financial instruments
  • Platform available in languages of Baltic States
  • Financial instruments available in 15 different currencies


Special offer for our customers

Getting started with investing can be easy! Join Luminor Investor platform now and turn your savings into investments.

♦ EUR 0 trading fee for 3 BlackRock* ETF portfolios Offer is valid from 2024‑02‑12 until 2024‑07‑31
♦ Book a free consultation and get expert advice on how to start investing
♦ Start investing in Luminor Investor from 2024‑03‑18 until 2024‑09‑30 and participate in the campaign with a chance to get your investments doubled up to EUR 900. Read more

Apply for a consultation

*ETF portfolios are managed by BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited, reg. No. 227552.

It is easy to start with Luminor Investor

Open Luminor Investor account

If you are married, provide spouse attorney for investing

Sign the contract digitally in Internet bank

Start investing. Transfer money to Luminor Investor within 30 days and start investing!

All investments entail risks and may result in both profits and losses. Investors should carefully consider their financial situation in order to understand the risks involved and ensure the suitability of their situation prior to making any investment, divestment, or entering into any transaction. You are responsible for your investment decisions; therefore, before making a decision you should get acquainted with all investor protection documents, including, but not limited to, a description of financial instruments and related risks, prospects of funds, or financial instruments available here.
Past performance is not a guide to future performance and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting an investment. If the return earlier was positive, it may not be the same in the future. The price of the investments may go up or down and the investor may not get back the amount invested. Your income is not fixed and may fluctuate. The value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies can be affected by exchange rate movements. The levels and bases of, and reliefs from, taxation can change and it may not suit you. None of the information contained herein constitutes an offer (or solicitation of an offer) to buy or sell any currency, product, or financial instrument, to make any investment, or to participate in any particular trading strategy.
Luminor does not provide recommendations in Luminor Investor Platform. Luminor does not take into account any particular client’s investment objectives, special investment goals, financial situation, specific needs, demands, knowledge, and experience. Therefore, all information on the website is, unless otherwise specifically stated, intended for informational and/or marketing purposes only and should not be construed as:
- business, financial, investment, hedging, legal, regulatory, tax or accounting advice,
- a recommendation or trading idea, or
- any other type of encouragement to act, invest or divest in a particular manner.
Luminor shall not be responsible for any loss arising from any investment and/or arising from using or interpreting the information provided herein.