For trading in and (or) safekeeping of financial instruments you need a payment account with Luminor. You can open a payment account separately. For Information on the cost and fees related to opening and using a payment account please refer here.
Investing involves risks: The value of the investment during the investment period may increase or decrease, and the return is not guaranteed. In certain cases, the investor may lose the invested sum and losses may accumulate in excess of the initial investment. Further information about Luminor investment services, terms and conditions, price lists, and related risks can be found here. This page provides general information only. Before deciding to invest in specific financial instruments, be familiar with Luminor's Description of Financial Instruments and Related Risk, prospectus and/or other documents related to the financial instruments in question, as well as carefully evaluate information about specific features, benefits, and risk factors of the financial instruments. This information cannot be construed as a recommendation or an offer to buy specific financial instruments, to sell or retain them. In no way this information can be regarded as part of any transaction, to be concluded in the future.