Ideas on supplementary pension accumulation in your business

When is the best time for that?

  • When you want to motivate all employees
  • When you want to give extra motivation to particular employees
  • When you are going to raise wages, it is the employee's choice to spend money on retirement savings

Motivate your employee with 68 % higher amount by spending the same – 102 EUR*


    Adding to the salary, EUR  Contribution to the employee’s pension fund, EUR
Decision to motivate employee (before taxes) 100 100
All individual income taxes 39.5 0
Employee’s money in account  60.5 0
Contribution to III pillar pension fund 0 101.5
Employee’s total income 60.5 101.5
Other taxes paid by the company 1.5 0
Company’s total expenses  101.5 101.5
*The financial benefit is due to the fact that contributions to pension funds are exempt from taxes, which are used as an incentive for the employer to encourage employee loyalty and to contribute to the employee's long-term accumulation. These tax benefits are valid provided that the contribution to the pension fund does not exceed 25% of the employee's estimated employment income. The calculations do not take into account the effect of the amount of non-taxable income. Calculations are based on tax rates effective from 2019.
In proportion to employee’s salary

In proportion to employee’s salary

For example, the salary is increased by 3 %, with another 2 % granted for pension accumulation at the employee’s choice.

Alternative way to motivate your employee financially

Alternative way to motivate your employee financially

For example, the salary is increased by 3 %, with another 2 % granted for pension accumulation at the employee’s choice.

The company motivates particular employees who meet the company’s criteria

The company motivates particular employees who meet the company’s criteria

For example, the company decides to motivate only those employees who have achieved exceptional results or those who are most loyal which x years’ experience, etc.

The company and employee accumulate for pension together

The company and employee accumulate for pension together

For example, the employee allocates 1 % of the annual salary for supplementary pension accumulation, the company also contributes the same amount of 1 %.

Motivate your employees – it is good for you