As of 2023-04-01:
The share of risk-free assets was expanded to include government, corporate, emerging markets and high-yield corporate debt in order to increase fund diversification and yield.
The benchmark consists of a basket of less risky assets (debt securities):
- 30,0 % Bloomberg Series-E Euro Govt 3-5 Yr Bond index
- 40,0 % Bloomberg Euro-Aggregate Corporate Total Return Value Unhedged EUR index
- 20,0 % Bloomberg EM USD Sov + Quasi-Sov Total Return Value Hedged EUR index
- 10,0 % Bloomberg Liquidity Screened Euro High Yield Bond Total Return Value Unhedged EUR index.
From 2017-06-01 to 2023-03-31
The expired EFFAS Bond Indices Euro Govt 3-5 Yr index has been changed to Bloomberg Barclays Series-E Euro Govt 3-5 Yr Bond Index
The benchmark consisted of a basket of less risky assets (debt securities):
- 100% Bloomberg Barclays Series-E Euro Govt 3-5 Yr Bond Index.
From 2013-10-07 to 2017-05-31
The benchmark consisted of a basket of less risky assets (debt securities):
- 100 % EFFAS Bond Indices Euro Govt 3-5 Yr Index.