We would like to inform you that we’re making some changes to our Price List for Private Customers.

These changes will only affect Visa Debit card holders and will take effect from July 1, 2024:

  • We’re increasing the limit for free cash withdrawals. It means that from July 1 you’ll be able to take out more cash for free at Luminor ATMs in the Baltics and Medus ATMs in Lithuania – up to EUR 750 per month. Now you can take out up to EUR 600 per month.
  • If you exceed the limit of EUR 750, we’ll apply a fee of 0.5 per cent of the cash amount withdrawn. The current fee for exceeding the limit is 0.2 per cent. The minimum transaction fee will remain at EUR 0.40.
  • We’re increasing the fee for cash withdrawal at Perlas terminals up to 0.5 per cent of the amount withdrawn. The current fee is 0.4 per cent. The minimum transaction fee will remain at EUR 0.80.
  • We’re increasing the fee for an additional Visa Debit card for adults of 18 years and older up to EUR 1.20 per month. The current fee is EUR 1 per month. An additional payment card is a card not included into a banking package.

We put needs of all our customers, especially the socially sensitive ones, at the heart of our business. We will continue applying discounts for children and young people under 21 and for seniors aged 65 and above.

Thank you for being our customer!

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