Debit and credit cards issuing and delivery
Luminor Visa Infinite (3)
Card opening, renewing, closingFree
Monthly fee for main card€20
Monthly fee for additional card (adults starting from age 18)€20
Monthly fee for additional card linked to a parent as a customer (children starting from age 6)€20
Delivering the card
- by post to address in Lithuania€2
- by post to address abroad€10
- to the Customer Service Center (1)€10
Replacing the card
- when card is replaced before the expiry date€5
- aditional fee for express issuing and/or courier delivery (2)€30

(1) The fee is not applicable if the Customer pays the fee for an express issuing of the Card.
(2) If the card is ordered on a business day by 12:00 AM, it will be delivered to Customer Service Center on the second business day after ordering.
(3) New Luminor Visa Infinite credit cards are not issued from 02.05.2024.

More information about Payment cards can be found here.

Payments and cash
Luminor Visa Infinite
Conversion fee for paying in different currency than Euro (4)3%
Cash withdrawal
- Luminor ATMs in Baltics and Medus ATMs in Lithuania (5)Free up to €2000 per calendar month, 2% of the sum exceeding €2000 (min. €3.50)
- Other ATMsFree up to €1000 per calendar month, 2% of the sum exceeding €1000 (min. €3.50)
- Perlas POS terminals (6)0.4% of the amount (min. €0.80)
Cash deposit
- Luminor and Medus ATMs in Lithuania (5)Free up to €2000 per calendar month, 2% of the sum exceeding €2000 (min. €3.50)
- Perlas POS terminals (6)€0.30
Balance enquiry
- from Luminor ATMsFree
- from other ATMsFree

(4) When paying by card (including cash withdrawals from ATMs) in a currency other than euros, the transaction amount is converted into euros from the transaction currency according to the VISA currency conversion rate. The VISA conversion rate consists of the European Central Bank exchange rate and the VISA currency conversion fee. A Luminor currency exchange fee is added to the VISA currency conversion rate.
Exchange rate fee added by „Luminor“ and „VISA“ can be calculated here .
The billing amount in euros shown on the account statement is with currency conversion fees already included. If customer pays with a card in other currency than euros, Luminor will send customer an SMS message indicating the total currency conversion fee applied by Luminor and VISA, which is added to the transaction amount converted at the European Central Bank exchange rate.
(5) The calculation is made on the basis of confirmed transactions within a month.
(6) In PERLAS terminals based on the list provided here the service is provided by UAB "Perlas Finance".

More information about Payment cards can be found here.

Credit limit
Luminor Visa Infinite
Credit limit annual interest13%
Changing the credit limitFree
Interest free periodUp to 50 Days (until next month`s 20th date)
The fee for the use of the credit limit (7)1% on the credit limit used during the payment transaction

(7) The fee for the use of the credit limit is charged in case the interest provided under the agreement is 0%. The fee for the use of the credit limit is not charged in case the borrower uses the credit limit by making a transaction with a payment card (except cash-out transaction).

More information about Payment cards can be found here.

Other services
Luminor Visa Infinite
Annual interest on unauthorized debit balance18%
Priority Pass lounge visits (8)
- three single visits per yearFree
- starting from fourth visit€30
Changing card standard cash-out or purchase limits via Customer Support or at the Customer Service Center€10
Issuance of copy of the receipt for a transaction €25

(8) Cardholder can bring additional guests to lounge every time cardholder visits lounge. Companions' visits are counted as separate visits.

More information about Payment cards can be found here.