Consumer loan, Car loan
Agreement fee1.5% of loan amount, min. €60
Change of loan monthly payment date or loan repayment account€20
Early loan repaymentFree
Partial loan repayment prior to agreement maturity dateFree

You need a payment account in Luminor to conclude a loan agreement. Information on charges and commission fees related to the opening and use of the payment account is available here.

The total cost of consumer loan APR (annual percentage rate) calculating example:
If you receive a EUR 3 000 loan over a 5 year period, the total amount of your payment is EUR 4 124, monthly payment EUR 66.73, and the total annual percentage rate 14.43%. These calculations are carried out under the following assumptions: annual interest rate – 12%, the loan is repaid with annuity method, the loan agreement fee is EUR 60, minimum banking package fee EUR 1 per month.

More information about Consumer loan can be found here and about the Car loan here.

Housing loan, Idea loan (Loan with collateral)
Agreement fee (1) (5)0.5% of loan amount or additionally disbursable amount, min. €100
Agreement amendment fee (2) (3) (5)€200
Changes to credit agreement in case of restructuring€100
Change of loan monthly repayment date or loan repayment account
– once in a calendar yearFree
– as of the second change in one calendar year€20
Payment holidaysFree
Early loan repayment if interest rate is floatingFree
Early full or partial loan repayment if the interest rate is set for a period exceeding 12 monthsThe fee is calculated in accordance with the procedure set out in the Rules for calculating the compensation (Kompensacijos skaičiavimo taisyklėse) approved by the Bank of Lithuania as compensation for potential costs of the bank directly linked to the early repayment. The amount of the early repayment fee may not exceed 3% of the amount of the credit repaid early unless otherwise specified in the agreement.
Other fees
Reference for re-pledge assets to another credit institution€150
Preparation of standard documents (e.g. bank's approvals to state institutions and consents related to the property) (4)€35
Penalty for failure to submit the insurance policy of the collateral€100

(1) Different conditions can be applied if purchase agreement is signed with Luminor partners.
(2) For example, changes in payment schedule (excluding change of loan monthly repayment date), waiver of the part of mortgage, loan issuance conditions, loan currency etc.
In case the interest rate under the agreement is fixed for longer than 12-month term and its validity is terminated as a result of changing the terms and conditions of the agreement, then an additional fee is applied which is equal to the early repayment fee applied to loans with interest rate fixed for longer than 12-month term (see “Early repayment fee”). In such cases, the calculation of the fee is based on the loan amount with the changed terms and conditions but not on the pre-paid loan amount. The validity of the interest rate fixed for longer than 12-month term is considered to be terminated in the following cases:
- the interest rate fixed for longer than 12-month term is changed into the interest rate changed on a 3, 6 or 12 month basis;
- the interest rate fixed for longer than 12-month term is changed into a lower interest rate fixed for longer than 12-month term;
- the loan currency is changed;
- the effective period of the interest rate fixed for longer than 12-month term is shortened;
- the loan amount provided by the agreement is reduced (or the entire loan amount is not drawn-down).
(3) In case of complex amendment up to 0.2% of loan balance.
(4) The issuance of documents is free of charge in the cases indicated by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, where information must be provided free of charge.
(5) The fee does not apply in the cases provided for by the law, when a loan is issued to refinance another loan under a simplified procedure.

More information about Housing loan can be found here and about Idea loan here.

Home flex loan (new loans are not issued)
Agreement amendment fee€200
Annual default interest4% above loan interest rate, but not less than 16% of overdue amount
The note for re-pledge assets to another credit institution€120
Bank’s consent related to the property pledged to the Bank€35
Additional fee for the note on customer's request, issued during not more than 3 working days€15
Notification on loan agreement period ending€2.90 per mailing
Overdraft (new overdrafts are not issued)
Agreement amendment fee€30