
Luminor Bank AS, registration code 11315936, address: Liivalaia 45, 10145, Tallinn, Estonia, data about the legal entity stored in the Commercial Register of Estonia, operating in the Republic of Lithuania through Luminor Bank AS Lietuvos Skyrius, company code 304870069, registered office address: Konstitucijos pr. 21A, 03601 Vilnius, Lithuania.
Telephone No: +370 5 239 3444
E‑mail: info@luminor.lt
Website: luminor.lt

General warning

By concluding a loan agreement, you are assuming financial obligations, the non‑performance or improper performance of which may result in:

  • the Bank refusing to disburse the loan or part thereof;
  • penalties being imposed for failure to meet payment obligations;
  • increased interest rates for non‑performance of other obligations if the breach is material;
  • termination of the loan agreement if the breach is material and exercise of the other conditions set out in the loan agreement and the Rules for the Provision of Credit Related to Real Estate.

Please note that the non‑performance or improper performance of financial obligations may hurt your credit score, make borrowing more expensive, and result in you losing ownership of pledged real estate, which can be implemented by force.

If you have any difficulties paying your monthly instalments, please contact us immediately so we can look for possible solutions.