On April 1 of this year, the changes we have made to the Luminor price list for Private customers will come into force.

The majority of the changes in the price list that we are introducing in April are made to align ourselves with the practice of our peers, while following our current overall pricing approach. The most significant changes affect our Daily services such as Accounts and Packages.

We are also unifying our service prices across the three Baltic countries and adjusting the wording and structure of the documents to make it more transparent and easily understandable for our customers.

You can get acquainted with the changes here:

No further action needed. The proposed changes will take effect on April 1, 2022.

If you are a consumer and do not agree, you have the right to withdraw immediately and free of charge and without penalty from the Service Agreements affected by the changes by notifying us in writing (via internet bank or in customer service center, advance reservation required by calling +370 5 239 3444) by April 1, 2022, and fulfilling the obligations arising from these Service Agreements.

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