The changes in our current pricelist are being made in order to clarify the terms and prices, to ensure better pricelist structure, as well as to unify the prices of services and products in the Baltic States.

The full version of the new prie list is available here.


Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Visa Business Electron (No longer issued from 01 04 2020) Footnotes:
When account no. starts with LTXX40100:
Visa Business Electron (No longer issued from 01 04 2020) 0.5% (at least EUR 0.60)
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries and SEB ATMs in Lithuania
0.5%, min. EUR 1
No change in fee name
Visa Business Electron (No longer issued from 01 04 2020) 2% (at least EUR 3)
Cash withdrawal at other bank‘s ATMs
2%, min. EUR 3,50
No change in fee name
Visa Business Electron (No longer issued from 01 04 2020) 0.4%, (at least EUR 0.80)
Cash withdrawal within the network of the bank's partners* via POS
0.5%, min.  EUR 1
No change in fee name
Visa Business Electron (No longer issued from 01 04 2020)
Transaction limits
Visa Business Debit Footnotes:
When account no. starts with LTXX40100:
Visa Business Debit 0.5% (at least EUR 0.60)
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries and SEB ATMs in Lithuania
0.5%, min. EUR 1
No change in fee name
Visa Business Debit 2% (at least EUR 3)
Cash withdrawal at other bank‘s ATMs
2%, min. EUR 3,50
No change in fee name
Visa Business Debit 0.4%, (at least EUR 0.80)
Cash withdrawal within the network of the bank's partners* via POS
0.5%, min.  EUR 1
No change in fee name
Visa Business Debit
Transaction limits
Visa Business Footnotes:
When account no. starts with LTXX40100:
Visa Business 2% (at least EUR 1)
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries and SEB ATMs in Lithuania
2%, min. EUR 3,50
No change in fee name
Visa Business 2% (at least EUR 3)
Cash withdrawal at other bank‘s ATM‘s
2%, min. EUR 3,50
No change in fee name
Visa Business 0.4%, (at least EUR 0.80)
Cash withdrawal within the network of the bank's partners* via POS
2%, min. EUR 3,50
No change in fee name
Visa Business
Transaction limits
Mastercard Business   -
Mastercard Business Debit   -
Mastercard Business Debit without travel insurance   -

Banking packages

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020.09.01
Business Packages
Business package S
EUR 5 per month
Monthly fee
All Business Packages Unlimited
Accounts (no minimum account fee)
Unlimited number of current accounts
All Business Packages +
Administration of funds (Eur) credited*
When account number starts with LTXX40100:
*Transfers in euros within bank; transfers in euros received from customers of Luminor bank's partners* (when beneficiary's account no. starts with LTXX40100); from other
All Business Packages +
Access code (password) generator (if you don't yet own one)
All Business Packages - Free
All Business Packages - Free
Unlimited number of Internet bank users
All Business Packages Euro transfers Via Internet banking**
**Transfer to other beneficiary’s account within bank; transfer within bank from your account, which starts with LT40100 to your account , which starts with LTXX21400; transfer to EEA countries (SEPA); one-time payment of einvoice; payment for services; to beneficiary’s account against payment order for goods / services given via ecommerce system within bank; standing order payments to other beneficiary’s account within bank; standing order payments to beneficiary’s account at other banks registered in Lithuania.
Monthly Business Package fee is charged from your selected account within the first 5 (five) workdays of the current month.
Euro payments to Luminor Lithuania and other banks (1)
Monthly Business Package fee is charged from your selected account within the first 5 (five) workdays of the current month.
(1) Payments to other's accounts within Luminor Lithuania; payments to Single Euro Payments Area member states; one-time payment of e-invoice; payment for services; to beneficiary’s account against payment order for goods / services given via e-commerce system within bank; standing order payments to other beneficiary’s account within bank; standing order payments to beneficiary’s account at other banks registered in Lithuania.
All Business Packages Footnotes:
When account number starts with LTXX21400:
* Transfers in euros within bank; transfers in euros received from customers of Luminor bank's partners* (when beneficiary's account no. starts with LTXX40100); from other service providers EEA countries.
**Transfer to other beneficiary’s account within bank; transfer within bank from your account, which starts with LTXX21400 to your account, which starts with LTXX40100; transfer to EEA countries (SEPA); one-time payment of einvoice; payment for services; to beneficiary’s account against payment order for goods/services given via ecommerce system within bank; standing order payments to other beneficiary’s account within bank; standing order payments to beneficiary’s account at other banks registered in Lithuania.
Note. If you use account numbers starting with LTXX21400 and LTXX40100 and wish to have the service package conditions activated to account numbers with a different beginning, you need to order a service package individually for each such account with a different beginning. The package fee is charged for each service package.
Business Packages
Business package XL
Business Packages
Business package VITAMINAI STARTUI®


Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Account opening
Account opening
No change in fee
Lithuanian residents
Account opening
EUR 200
Account opening for nonresidents*
*The fee is charged to legal entities who are not registered with the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania and paid before making verification and a decision to enter into a business relationship.
Upon individual agreement, min. EUR 1000
Non-Lithuanian residents
Account opening
EUR 100
Account opening for Luminor Group customer non-EU resident**
**Luminor group banks: Luminor Bank AS, Latvia Branch (BIC: RIKOLV2X, NDEALV2X); Luminor Bank AS, Estonia (BIC: RIKOEE22, NDEAEE2X).
No change in fee
Luminor Group customer, non-Lithuanian resident (2)
(2) Luminor group banks: Luminor Bank AS, Latvia Branch; Luminor Bank AS, Estonia.
Account opening
- Upon individual agreement, min. EUR 1000
Initial inspection of documents submitted by electronic money institutions, payment institutions and banks/ trust account opening (2)(6)
(2) Fees are paid upfront and are non-refundable.
(6) The fee is applied only in case there is a request to open first trust account.
Account opening
EUR 200
Verification of shareholder nonEU resident***
EUR 500
Verification of shareholder non-Lithuanian resident (1) (4)
(1) Fees are paid upfront and are non-refundable
Account opening
According to the agreement, at least EUR 100
Account opening in Luminor group banks abroad**
**Luminor group banks: Luminor Bank AS, Latvia Branch (BIC: RIKOLV2X, NDEALV2X); Luminor Bank AS, Estonia (BIC: RIKOEE22, NDEAEE2X).
According to the agreement, at least EUR 300
Account opening in Luminor group banks abroad (3) (5)
(3) Luminor group banks: Luminor Bank AS, Latvia; Luminor Bank AS, Estonia.
(5) This service is only available to Luminor Bank AS Lithuania Branch customers
Account opening
Ordering, activation and administration of service for incoming transfers with currency mismatch****
****The service is available, when account no. starts with LTXX21400.
Account maintenance
EUR 2.40 per month
Minimum account fee
Account maintenance monthly fee
Account maintenance
- EUR 500
Trust account(s) monthly fee for electronic money institutions, payment institutions and banks (1)
(1) The fee is applied in addition to Account maintenance monthly fee.
Account maintenance
Additional account management fee*:
*The fee is calculated at the end of each calendar day, if all bank account numbers of a legal entity start the same way, i.e. LTXX40100... or i.e. LTXX21400..., and their total account balance exceeds the above indicated threshold for the same currency. The fee is calculated for the accounts starting the same way, i.e. LTXX40100... or i.e. LTXX21400..., by multiplying the total balance by the absolute value (i.e. module) of the respective amount indicated in the table. No fee is applied if the central bank interest rate in the respective currency becomes positive or zero (for financial institutions – if the central bank interest rate in the respective currency is equal to or exceeds 0.3%). The fee is debited from the account by the 10th day of the following calendar month.
Additional account management fee (2):
(2) The fee is calculated at the end of each calendar day, and their total account balance exceeds the above indicated threshold for the same currency. The fee is calculated for the accounts by multiplying the total balance by the absolute value (i.e. module) of the respective amount indicated in the table. No fee is applied if the central bank interest rate in the respective currency becomes positive or zero (for financial institutions – if the central bank interest rate in the respective currency is equal to or exceeds 0.3%). The fee is debited from the account by the 10th day of the following calendar month.
Account maintenance
According to the agreement, at least 0.15% from the amount, at least EUR 300
Escrow accounts
According to the agreement, at least 0.15% from the amount, at least EUR 1000
No change in fee name
Account maintenance
At the Bank: EUR 15
Via Internet bank: Free
Changing, appointing or removing a representative of company****
****The fee is charged At the Bank’s branch in case of changing / appointing / cancelling the persons authorized to manage the bank account(-s). This fee is not charged in case of changing a legal entity’s executive officer or appointing a bankruptcy administrator. Service is free of charge when account no. starts with LTXX21400.
No change in fee
Changing, appointing or removing a representative of company (5)
(5) The fee is charged At the Customer Service Center in case of changing / appointing / cancelling the persons authorized to manage the bank account(-s). This fee is not charged in case of changing a legal entity’s executive officer or appointing a bankruptcy administrator.
Bank statements
At the Bank: EUR 5 per month, max. EUR 25
Via Internet bank: For up to 3 years period - free of charge, for more than 3 years period – EUR 10 per each request
Issuing of account statements for period indicated by a customer
At the Customer Service Center: EUR 5 per month
Via Internet bank: No change in fee
No change in fee name


Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Outgoing payments in Euros
Internal payments
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: Free
to one's own bank account within bank when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow the same pattern: both accounts start with LTXX40100 or LTXX21400
At Customer Service Center: EUR 5
via Digital channels: Free
No change in fee
To one's own account within Luminor Lithuania
Outgoing payments in Euros
Internal payments
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: EUR 0.29
to one's own bank account within bank when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow different patterns: one starts with LTXX21400, and the other with LTXX40100
Outgoing payments in Euros
Internal payments
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: EUR 0.29
to beneficiary’s account within bank
At Customer Service Center: EUR 5
via Digital channels: EUR 0.29
To other's account within Luminor Lithuania
Transfers in Euros
At the Customer Service Center: -
Via Digital Channels: EUR 0.29
to the beneficiary account based on a payment order for goods/ services given via e commerce system within bank
Outgoing payments in Euros
Payments to European countries
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: EUR 0.40
Standard payment to EEA countries
At the Customer Service Center: EUR 5
Via Digital Channels: EUR 0.40
Euro payments (1)
(1) Payments to Single Euro Payments Area member states. Full list of countries can be found on the European Central Banks' webpage here.
Outgoing payments in Euros
Payments to European countries
At the Bank: N/A
Via Internet bank: EUR 25
Extra urgent payment to EEA countries, when the payer's account no. begins with LTXX40100, and urgent payment to EEA countries, when the payer's account no. begins with LTXX21400
At the Customer Service Center: N/A
Via Digital Channels: EUR 25
Urgent Euro payments (2)
(2) Urgent payments to EEA member states. The full list of countries can be found here.
Transfers in Euros
At the Bank: N/A
Via Internet bank: EUR 25
Extra urgent payment, when the payer's account no. begins with LTXX40100 and the beneficiary's account no. begins with LTXX21400
Transfers in Euros
At the Bank: N/A
Via Internet bank: EUR 25
Urgent payment, when the payer's account no. begins with LTXX21400 and the beneficiary's account no. begins with LTXX40100
Outgoing payments in other currencies
Internal payments
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: Free
to one's own bank account within bank when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow the same pattern: both accounts start with LTXX40100 or LTXX21400
At the Customer Service Center: EUR 5
Via Digital Channels: Free
To one's own account within Luminor Lithuania
Outgoing payments in other currencies
Internal payments
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: EUR 0.29
to other beneficiary's bank account within bank when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow the same pattern: both accounts start with LTXX40100 or LTXX21400
At the Customer Service Center: EUR 5
Via Digital Channels: EUR 0.29
To other's account within Luminor Lithuania
Outgoing payments in other currencies
Internal payments
At the Bank: N/A
Via Internet bank: Fees applied for Transfer in other currency to other banks
to one's own / other beneficiary's bank account within bank when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow different patterns: one starts with LTXX21400, and the other with LTXX40100
Transfers in other currency within Luminor group banks and partner banks
Incoming payments Free
When funds are transferred in euros within bank
Incoming payments Free
When funds are transferred in euros from Luminor Bank's partners* (when beneficiary's account no. starts with LTXX40100)
*Luminor bank's partners:
Luminor Bank AS, Latvija Branch (BIC: RIKOLV2X);
Luminor Bank AS, Estija (BIC: RIKOEE22);
Bank DNB Polska S.A., Poland (BIC:MHBFPLPW);
DNB Bank ASA, LONDON Branch, United Kingdom (BIC:DNBAGB2LXXX);
DNB Bank ASA, NEW YORK Branch, United States (BIC:DNBAUS33XXX);
Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale, Germany (BIC:NOLADE2H).
The charges for transfers in euros between customers of the above-indicated banks are applied only if the payer is a customer of Luminor group bank or partner bank, and the precise beneficiary’s bank BIC and the beneficiary’s account number in IBAN format are indicated.
Incoming payments Free
When funds are transferred in euros from EEA countries**
**When comply with SEPA requirements, i.e. Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch SWIFT (BIC) code(when account number starts with LTXX40100, BIC is AGBLLT2X, When account number starts with LTXX21400, BIC is NDEALT2X), the beneficiary’s account number is in IBAN format, and the payer and the beneficiary each pay the transfer charges (SHA).
No change in fee
Payments received from the Single Euro Payments Area member states in Euros (1)
(1) Payments from Single Euro Payments Area member states and compliant with SEPA requirements. Full list of countries can be found on the European Central Banks' webpage.
Incoming payments EUR 10
In other cases from payment service providers registered in EEA or in foreign countries.
No change in fee
Incoming SHA payments (2)
(2) SHA – the beneficiary pays fees of Luminor Bank and intermediary banks. Intermediary bank fees are deducted from the transferred amount.
Incoming payments - Free
Incoming OUR payments (3)
(3) OUR – no fees are applied by Luminor Bank. However, additional charges may be deducted by intermediary banks from the transferred amount.
Transfers in other currency
Administration of credited funds
In other currency within bank when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow the same pattern: both accounts start with LTXX40100 or LTXX21400
Transfers in other currency
Administration of credited funds
EUR 10
In other currency within bank when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow different patterns: one starts with LTXX21400, and the other with LTXX40100
Transfers in other currency
Administration of credited funds
From customers of Luminor Bank AS, Latvia Branch (BIC: RIKOLV2X), Luminor Bank AS, Estonia (BIC: RIKOEE22), DNB Bank ASA, Norway (BIC: DNBANOKK), Bank DNB Polska S.A., Poland (BIC: MHBFPLPW), Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale, Germany (BIC:NOLADE2H) and Luminor bank's partners* as intra-company payment** (beneficiary's account no. starts with LTXX40100)
*Luminor bank's partners:
Luminor Bank AS, Latvia Branch (BIC: RIKOLV2X);
Luminor Bank AS, Estonia (BIC: RIKOEE22) DNB Bank ASA, Norway (BIC:DNBANOKK);
Bank DNB Polska S.A., Poland (BIC:MHBFPLPW);
DNB Bank ASA, LONDON Branch, United Kingdom (BIC:DNBAGB2LXXX);
DNB Bank ASA, NEW YORK Branch, United States (BIC:DNBAUS33XXX);
Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale, Germany (BIC:NOLADE2H);
***only if an agreement for such payments is signed At the Bank.
The charges for transfers in euros between customers of the above-indicated banks are applied only if the payer is a customer of Luminor group bank or partner bank, and the precise beneficiary’s bank BIC and the beneficiary’s account number in IBAN format are indicated.
Transfers in other currency
Administration of credited funds
EUR 10
In other currencies from banks registered in Lithuania or in other cases from foreign banks
Other payment services
Other services related to transfers
Cancelation or clarification of a transfer in euros to non-EEA countries if it is not sent from the Bank
EUR 10
Cancellation or investigation request of a payment if it is not sent from the Bank
Other payment services
Other services related to transfers
€40 + foreign bank fee €60
Cancelation or clarification of a transfer in euros to non-EEA countries if it is sent from the Bank
€40 + extra costs (3)
Cancellation or investigation request of a payment if it is sent from the Bank (2)
(2) Applies to payments in Euros outside of the Single Euro Payments Area member states and payments in other currencies.
(3) Extra costs - commission, determined by correspondent bank and/or beneficiary bank apart from the Bank for payment order investigation or correction.
Other payment services
Other services related to transfers
EUR 30 + foreign bank fee EUR 40
Ordering of information on accounts and transactions from a foreign bank at the customer's request
Other payment services
Other services related to transfers
EUR 25
Processing a returned payment*
*Foreign bank’s fee is applied when the beneficiary’s bank or the correspondent bank refunds the amounts due to the reasons beyond the control of the sender’s bank.
Other payment services
Other services related to transfers
Confirmation of submitted payment document At the Bank
Payment transaction printout and confirmation at Customer Service Center
Foreign exchange
At the Bank: -
Via Internet bank: Free
E-invoice receipt
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: EUR 0.29
E-invoice one-time payment under a completed payment form within bank*
Applicable when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow the same pattern: both accounts start with LTXX40100 or LTXX21400. When the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow different patterns: one starts with LTXX21400, and the other with LTXX40100, then fee is applied like to other banks registered in the Republic of Lithuania
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: EUR 0.40
E-invoice one-time payment under a completed payment form to other banks registered in the Republic of Lithuania
Other payment services
Standing orders
At the Bank: -
Via Internet bank: According to Internet bank transfer rates
Standing orders execution*
*When account no. starts with LTXX40100 standing orders in euros, when the agreement is signed At the Bank’s branch, executed within the bank or in other banks registered in Lithuania; when account no. starts with LTXX21400 standing orders in euros within the EEA
At the Customer Service Center: Not available
Via Digital channels: According to the payments price list
Standing order payment
Other payment services
Standing orders
At the Bank: Free
Via Internet bank: Free
E-invoice automated payment
At the Customer Service Center: N/A
Via Digital Channels: Free
E-invoice standing order payment
Other payment services
Standing orders
At the Bank: Free
Via Internet bank: Free
Applying for or cancelling of einvoice automated payment
At the Customer Service Center: EUR 5
Via Digital Channels: No change in fee
Registration of E-invoice standing order
Other payment services
Standing orders
At the Bank: Free
Via Internet bank: Free
Change of e-invoice automated payment conditions
At the Customer Service Center: EUR 5
Via Digital Channels: No change in fee
Amendment and cancellation
Payment for services
Salary payments
EUR 1 for a one salary payments instruction
Salary payments instruction*
*When account no. starts with LTXX40100 the fees are deducted by the 6th day of the next month
No change in fee
Salary payments instruction

Other services

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Other services
Bank statements
Opened/closed accounts and their balances (for each year)*
EUR 10
Standard references: opened/closed accounts and their balances (1)
Other services
Bank statements
On agreed basis, at least EUR 15, except the information which has to be provided free of charge according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania
Other statements*
No change in fee
Non-standard references (1)
Other services
Copies of documents/ mailing
EUR 0.80 per one page at least EUR EUR 1.45
By post in Lithuania regular
EUR 0.80 per one page + post costs EUR 5
No change in fee name
Other services
Copies of documents/ mailing
EUR 0.80 per one page at least EUR 3
By post in Lithuania registered
EUR 0.80 per one page + post costs EUR 5
No change in fee name
Other services
Copies of documents/ mailing
EUR 0.80 per one page at least EUR 6
By post to foreign countries
EUR 0.80 per one page + post costs EUR 10
No change in fee name
Other services On agreed basis
Other works*
*When account no. starts with LTXX40100 the fee will be applied after 1st March 2018

Trade Finance

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Trade finance
Import documentary credits
EUR 100
Issue of documentary credits*
*If a documentary credit issued is not fully secured by cash collateral, commission for the Bank's commitment is calculated additionally.
The Bank does not pay any interest for funds reserved as cash cover. Note. The Bank does not pay any interest for funds reserved as cash cover.
No change in fee
Letter of credit issuance (1)
(1) If a letter of credit issued is not fully secured by cash cover, interest for the Bank's commitment is calculated additionally.
The Bank does not pay any interest for funds reserved as cash cover.
For issuance of standby letter of credit or increase of it's amount is applied guarantee issuance fee.
Trade finance
Import documentary credits
EUR 30
Amendment to documentary credit conditions (for each amendment), documentary credit cancellation
EUR 35
Letter of credit amendment
Trade finance
Import documentary credits
EUR 30
Amendment to documentary credit conditions (for each amendment), documentary credit cancellation
EUR 35
Letter of credit cancellation
Trade finance
Import documentary credits
0.15% of the amount, at least EUR 70
Checking of documents (for each set of documents)**
** If Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch is both the issuing and advising bank for the same letter of credit, and documents are submitted directly to Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch, the checking of documents fee is 0.075 %, min EUR 35.
0.18% of the amount, min. EUR 70
No change in fee name
(2) If Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian branch is both the issuing and advising bank for the same letter of credit, and documents are submitted directly to Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian branch, the checking of documentd fee is 0.09%, min EUR 35.00.
Trade finance
Import documentary credits
EUR 30
Documentary credit non-utilization
No change in fee
Letter of credit non-utilization (not applicable to standby letter of credit)
Trade finance
Import documentary credits
EUR 20
Photocopy handling fee (if indicated in the documentary credit)(paid by documentary credit beneficiary)
Trade finance
Import documentary credits
- EUR 30
Assignment of goods
Trade finance
Import documentary credits
On agreed basis, at least EUR 45
Preparation of a draft letter of credit or deal structure
As agreed, min. EUR 50
Preparation of letter of credit or it's amendment draft
Trade finance
Import documentary credits
EUR 20
Preparation of inquiry or information at the customer's request
EUR 25
No change in fee name
Trade finance
Import documentary credits
- As agreed
Agreement/Agreement amendment
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
EUR 30
Advice of documentary credit
EUR 40
Advice of letter of credit
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
0.15% of the amount, at least EUR 70
Taking up/checking of documents (for each set of documents)*
* If Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch is both the issuing and advising bank for the same letter of credit, and documents are submitted directly to Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch, the handling/checking of documents fee is 0.075%, min.  €35.
0.18% of the amount, min. EUR 70
Handling/Checking of documents (for each set of documents) (1)
(1) If Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch is both the issuing and advising bank for the same letter of credit, and documents are submitted directly to Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch, the handling/checking of documents fee is 0.09%, min EUR 35.
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
Up to 5 documents in the set -EUR 30, more than 5 documents in the set - EUR 45
Pre-checking of documents (for each set of documents)
EUR 45
No change in fee name
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
On agreed basis
Documentary credit confirmation
As agreed, min. EUR 100
Confirmation of letter of credit
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
On agreed basis
Purchase of Documentary credit documents
As agreed, min. EUR 100
Discounting of letter of credit documents
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
EUR 15
Reimbursement claim
EUR 20
No change in fee name
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
0.1%, at least EUR 30
Assignment of proceeds
0.1%, min. EUR 35
No change in fee name
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
On agreed basis, at least EUR 45
Preparation of a draft letter of credit or deal structure
As agreed, min. €50
Preparation or review of letter of credit or it's amendment draft
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
EUR 20
Preparation of inquiry or information at the customer's request
EUR 25
No change in fee name
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
Fees for customers of other banks
0.15%, at least EUR 200
Taking up/checking of documents (for each set of documents)
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
Fees for customers of other banks
0.05%, at least EUR 100
Payment under documents
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
Fees for customers of other banks
EUR 50
Deferred payment control
Trade finance
Export documentary credits
Fees for customers of other banks
EUR 100
Return of unpaid documents
Trade finance
Documentary collection
EUR 25
Advice of documents received and collection instructions
EUR 30
Advice of collection instructions
Trade finance
Documentary collection
EUR 23
Amendment to collection or advice of amendment to collection (for each amendment)
EUR 25
Amendment of collection instructions
Trade finance
Documentary collection
0.15% of the amount, at least EUR 35, max. EUR 220
Payment or collection of documents and bills of exchange
0.15% of the amount, min. EUR 40, max. EUR 220
Payment or collection of documents
Trade finance
Documentary collection
0.15% of the amount, at least EUR 35, max EUR 220
Delivery or return of unpaid documents
0.15% of the amount, min. EUR 40, max. EUR 220
Release or return of unpaid documents
Trade finance
Documentary collection
- EUR 30
Assignment of goods
Trade finance
Documentary collection
EUR 20
Preparation of inquiry or information at the customer's request
EUR 25
No change in fee name
Trade finance
85 Eur
Guarantee (indemnity) issuance, increase of its amount*:
- up to EUR 2499.99
0.5% of the amount, min. EUR 100
Guarantee issuance, increase of its amount  (1)
-if secured by cash cover (2) /term deposit pledge
Trade finance
0.5% of the amount, at least EUR 100 (if not covered by cash collateral - max EUR 160)
- EUR 2500 and above
0.5% of the amount, min. EUR 100, max. EUR 180 and interest for the bank's commitment
-if secured by another collateral
Trade finance
EUR 30
Amendment to guarantee (indemnity), including reduction of guarantee (indemnity) amount under the conditions of the guarantee (indemnity)
EUR 40
Guarantee amendment, including reduction of guarantee amount under the conditions of the guarantee
Trade finance
Guarantee (indemnity) issuance/amendment fee and EUR 50
Urgent issue/amendment of a guarantee (indemnity)**
**Urgent guarantee is issued or amended within one working day from the moment of submitting the application filled in correctly and signed properly with the Bank. When submitting the application, all of the conditions for guarantee issue or amendment shall be met.
EUR 80
Urgent issue/amendment of a guarantee (3)
(3) An extra fee to Guarantee issuance/amendment fee. Urgent guarantee is issued or amended within one working day from the moment of submitting the application filled in correctly and signed properly with the Bank. When submitting the application, all of the conditions for guarantee issue or amendment shall be met.
Trade finance
- EUR 45
Cancellation of guarantee application
Trade finance
On agreed basis, min. EUR 30
Preparation and/or coordination of guarantee (indemnity) wording
As agreed, min. EUR 50
Preparation of guarantee or it's amendment draft
Trade finance
0.1% of the amount, at least EUR 145, max EUR 300
Administration of the request for payment under guarantee (indemnity)
0.1% of claimed amount, min. EUR 145
Handling of demand for payment under guarantee
Trade finance
EUR 30
Advice of received guarantee (indemnity) or its amendment
EUR 40
Advice of guarantee or it's amendment issued by another bank
Trade finance
EUR 55 and documents handling, sending by courier in Lithuania fee
Transfer of request for payment under guarantee (indemnity)
EUR 55
Handling of demand for payment under a guarantee issued by another bank
Trade finance
- EUR 45
Verification of authenticity of a guarantee issued by another bank (applicable if the Bank is not the advising bank)
Trade finance
EUR 20
Preparation of inquiry or information at the customer's request
EUR 25
No change in fee name
Trade finance
- As agreed
Agreement/Agreement amendment

Savings and investment

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Deposit interest rates
Investment services
Investing in securities
All transaction fees are included in quoted buy or sell price
When Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch acts as a counterparty
0.20% of the transaction value multiplied by the maturity of debt securities in years, max. 2% of the transaction value, min. EUR 30
When Luminor Bank AS Lithuania acts as a counterparty
Investment services
Investing in securities
Sale in secondary market*
For trade and/or safekeeping of financial instruments (FI) you need to have a payment account with Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch. You can open a payment account separately. Information on charges and commission fee related to the opening and use of the payment account is available here.
(1) From the nominal value is applied by Nordea Bank AB (publ) (this fee is included in the price).
0.20% from sales price
Sale of index linked bond in secondary market  (1)
(1) From the nominal value is applied by Nordea Bank AB (publ) (this fee is included in the price).
Investment services
Investing in securities
0.50% of the amount, min. EUR 35 or min. USD 40*
Trading in exchange-traded funds (ETF)
For trade and/or safekeeping of financial instruments (FI) you need to have a payment account withLuminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch. You can open a payment account separately. Information on charges and commission fee related to the opening and use of the payment account is available here.
The minimum investment amount is EUR 1,000 or equivalent in other currency. *The minimum USD 40 commission fee is charged for an order denominated in USD.
0.5% of the amount (min. EUR 50 / min. 65 USD)
Purchasing and selling stocks/ETF in internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
Trading in mutual funds: (3)
- 1% of the transaction amount (min.  EUR 15 /  USD 20)
Investing in mutual funds in Luminor internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
Trading in mutual funds: (3)
Subscription of equity, switch and mixed investment funds and regular investment fee
1% of the transaction amount (min. EUR 1 / USD 1.30)
Investing in Nordea mutual funds in Luminor internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
Trading in mutual funds: (3)
Subscription of bond investment funds, switch and regular investment fee
1% of the transaction amount (min. EUR 1 / USD 1.30)
Investing in Nordea mutual funds in Luminor internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
Trading in mutual funds: (3)
Subscription of money market investment funds, switch and regular investment fee
1% of the transaction amount (min. EUR 1 / USD 1.30)
Investing in Nordea mutual funds in Luminor internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
Trading in mutual funds: (3)
Transaction fee for transfer (sale) of equity and mixed investment fund units
1% of the transaction amount (min. EUR 1 / USD 1.30)
Investing in Nordea mutual funds in Luminor internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
Trading in mutual funds: (3)
Transaction fee for transfer (sale) of bond investment fund units
1% of the transaction amount (min. EUR 1 / USD 1.30)
Investing in Nordea mutual funds in Luminor internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
Trading in mutual funds: (3)
Transaction fee for transfer (sale) of money market investment fund units
1% of the transaction amount (min. EUR 1 / USD 1.30)
Investing in Nordea mutual funds in Luminor internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
Trading in mutual funds: (3)
EUR 3.20 per transaction
Switch fee between Nordea investment funds
Investment services
Investing in securities
Trading in mutual funds: (3)
For trade and/or safekeeping of financial instruments (FI) you need to have a payment account with Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch. You can open a payment account separately. Information on charges and commission fee related to the opening and use of the payment account is available here.
Only for Nordea investment funds:
No minimum purchase fee is applied to Nordea funds.
Minimum fee for debiting Nordea funds from the financial instruments account is EUR 1.
Minimum invested amount – EUR 1,000 or an equivalent in other currencies.
Minimum invested amount for Nordea funds online – EUR 50 or an equivalent in other currencies.
Periodic investment is only possible with Nordea funds. Minimum amount – EUR 50. No minimal subscription fee is charged to periodic investments.
Other investment funds conditions:
A minimum commission fee of EUR 15 / USD 20 (in case the payment transfer is submitted in US dollars) is applied for removal from account
Investment services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.04% of the amount (min. EUR 1)
Securities with ISIN codes starting with US, GB, IE, DE, AT, FR, ES, BE, NL, LU, NO, SE, DK, EU:
0.04% of the amount (min. EUR 1.5)
Securities with ISIN codes starting with US, GB, IE, DE, AT, FR, ES, BE, NL, LU, FI, NO, SE, DK, EU:
Investment services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.025% of the amount (min. EUR 1)
Securities with ISIN code starting with XS:
0.03% of the amount (min. EUR 1.5)
No change in fee name
Investment services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
Nordea investment funds
0.04% of the amount (min. EUR 1.5)
No change in fee name
Investment services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.1% of the amount (min. EUR 1)
Other securities
0.1% of the amount (min. EUR 1.50)
No change in fee name
Luminor Trade platform
Custody fees for stocks and ETFs*:
*Valid from 2019-02-01.
Custody fees for stocks and ETFs: (1)
(1) The custody fee will be calculated daily using the end of day portfolio values and charged on a monthly basis (excluding VAT where applicable). For any currency conversions to EUR, our partner SAXO bank uses market spot exchange rate adding 0.5% margin on top. A spot exchange rate is the current price level in the market to directly exchange one currency for another, for delivery on the earliest possible value date which is provided by most Electronic Communication Network (ECN) brokers (e.g. Reuters).
Luminor Trade platform
Exchange Data Subscription**
**For clients who trade equities and subscribe to real time market data, Luminor Bank has introduced a refund scheme where fees are refunded. Read more about subscribing to Exchange Data Subscription.
Fee is applied according to the service provider pricelist
Subscription to real time data
Luminor Trade platform
USD 90
Annual withholding tax on income earned in USA***
No change in fee
Fee for U.S. source income reporting to IRS (2)
Luminor Trade platform
The fee is applied according to the "Tax reclaim Service for beneficial Owners" pricelist
Tax Reclaim Service for Beneficial Owners****
****When you invest cross border, your investment income may be over-taxed before you receive it. Luminor Trade clients, who choose to use our partner's "Tax Reclaim Service for Beneficial Owners" services be able to reclaim some or all of this tax.
Luminor Investor

Digital channels

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Digital channels
Internet bank
System log-in
Digital channels
Internet bank
Account handling Via Internet bank
Digital channels
Internet bank
EUR 15
Code calculator issuance or replacement
No change in fee
Code calculator (except Digipass 300C) issuance or replacement (1)
(1) A code calculator can be unlocked three times. If the calculator is blocked for the fourth time, it can no longer be unlocked. To use the calculator again, you will need to purchase a new one for the price shown in the price list.
Digital channels
Internet bank
Free of charge
Email messages about account changing
Digital channels
Internet bank maintenance (when account no. begins with LTXX21400)
Digital channels
Electronic Banking system
Digital channels
- EUR 30
Hardware token issuance or replacement
Digital channels
EUR 30
System modification fee (per change)
No change in fee
Agreement amendment fee
Digital channels
According to the payments price list
Payment fees
Digital channels
Digital channels
SMS service
Digital channels
Luminor Webservice
On agreed basis
*The service is available, when account no. starts with LTXX40100.


Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Leasing   From 0.70 % of the purchase cost min EUR 150
Agreement execution fee