What is e-invoice?

E-invoice is an electronic invoice sent to you by the service provider for the provided services via internet bank.
If you are not an internet bank user yet, we invite you to visit our branch where you can set up an automatic e-invoice payment and not bother about your invoices in the future.

Where can I apply for an e-invoice?

You can apply for an e-invoice:

Can I receive and pay another person’s e-invoice?

Yes, if the service provider accepts payments for another user. In this case you will receive a partial e-invoice where you will only see the information that is required to pay the e-invoice without detailed information about the services provided.

Can I order e-invoices to pay for different services provided by the same service provider?

Yes. In this case you need to submit separate applications for e-invoices and specify different payment identification codes granted by the service provider (e.g., payer codes, policy numbers, etc.).

How to pay e-invoices?

You can choose the way to pay the received e-invoices: let the bank pay them automatically or make payments yourself each time you receive an e-invoice.

What currencies can e-invoices be paid in?

In euros only.

Can an automatic e-invoice payment be processed on other than business days too?


How much does it cost to send and pay e-invoices?

E-invoices are sent to the internet bank free of charge. Payments under e-invoices will be free of charge if you set an automatic e-invoice payment. If you choose to make the payment yourself each time you receive an e-invoice, the transfer will cost you the same as a regular euro transfer.

When will e-invoices be paid if I choose an automatic way to pay an e-invoice?

Select one of the three payment options:

  • Pay on the last payment day specified in the e-invoice;
  • Pay on the third day following the e-invoice receipt date;
  • Pay on a particular day of the month selected from the interval specified by the service provider.

Will the automatic e-invoice payment be processed in case the amount of the received e-invoice is higher than the set limit?

The payment will not be processed unless you opted for a partial payment when setting the automatic payment and your account balance is minimum 50% of the e-invoice amount. The payment will be processed without exceeding the set limit.

My e-invoice was not paid. What are possible reasons?

  • You applied for an e-invoice but did not opt for the automatic payment of e-invoices.
  • The automatic payment limit that you have set is lower than the received e-invoice amount (if you have not opted for a partial payment).
  • Your account balance is insufficient on the e-invoice payment day.
  • Your account is blocked.
  • You have selected a wrong day for processing the automatic payment (e.g., you have selected the 1st day of the month and the service provider starts sending e-invoices from the 5th day of the month).

If the e-invoice payment is not processed at the first attempt, are there any more attempts to process the payment? When and how many times?

Yes, if you chose the possibility of repeated payments when setting the automatic e-invoice payment. In such case we will attempt to process the payment as many times as you specified (max. 3 attempts).

Can I withdraw from the e-invoice or the automatic payment of the e-invoice?

Yes, any time. On the internet bank or at Luminor branch.

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