Luminor Debit

EUR 2.00 per month

Luminor Debit

  • Unlimited account management
  • Unlimited internet transfers
  • Free incoming funds
  • Visa Debit payment card
  • No charge for ATM cash withdrawals up to 750 EUR/month

Luminor Black

EUR 5.50 per month

Luminor Black

  • Unlimited money transfers and payments in Euro
  • Travel insurance for the entire family
  • A Luminor Black payment card
  • Cash withdrawal within a limit and with no commission at any ATM in the world
  • Credit limit with up to 45 day interest free period is available

Basic Payment Account Service

EUR 1.37 per month

Basic Payment Account Service

  • Unlimited account management
  • 10 online transfers in Euros with no charge to other banks in Lithuania and the EEA
  • Visa debit payment card
  • No charge for cash withdrawals up to EUR 750 per month from Luminor ATMs in Lithuania