Luminor Internet bank. FAQ

What kind of authentication tools can I use for logging in to internet bank and mobile bank? How can I get them?


  • Simple and secure way to authenticate yourself online
  • You can use it when logging to the Internet Bank and Mobile Bank
  • Free of charge to use
  • More information about Smart‑ID can be found here.
You can download Smart‑ID for free from Google Play or Apple Store.
Code generator:
  • Secure way to log in to your Internet Bank and Mobile Bank
  • Price is applied according to the price list
You can purchase a code generator by calling +370 5 239 3444, visiting the closest customer service center (advance booking is required by phone +370 5 239 3444) or filling in an application on the internet bank (Applications → New application → in the row Document groups choose Other services → in the row Applications choose Sending login tools by mail → press Fill in).
  • Tool to log in to your Internet Bank and Mobile Bank
  • Price is applied according to the mobile operator rates
You can acquire the mobile electronic signature from your mobile operator.

What are the limits for online transactions?

In the table below you can find standart transaction limits.

Limits for online transactions, EUR

  Business customers Private customers
Limit per transaction 200,000.00 3,000.00
Daily transaction limit 200,000.00 5,000.00
Monthly transaction limit 2,000,000.00 10,000.00

In order to get a code generator or Smart‑ID, call us +370 5 239 3444. You can acquire the mobile electronic signature from your mobile operator.

How can the limits for online transactions be changed in the internet bank?

Log in to your Internet bank → select Applications in the menu bar at the top → click New application on the left → in the Document groups row select Other services → in the Applications row select Request to change transaction limits on the internet bank → click Fill in button and fill in the application.

How long will it take to change my payment limits?

After receiving your application, we will process it within 3 business days.

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone at +370 5 239 3444 or send us an e-mail to

Which Luminor services can I use at the internet bank?

By using the internet bank, you will be able to:

  • manage the account and view other related information
  • review the current transactions and handle new ones
  • submit applications and file requests
  • log in to other systems.

What is a login code and where can I find it?

A login code is an alphanumerical code assigned by Luminor and used to recognize an internet bank user. You can find the login code in the Annex on the Internet bank agreement (at the top of the Table, next to the name, last name, personal identity code).

When I am trying to access the internet bank, the message “registration is blocked” pops up. Why is this the case?

Possible reasons:

  • you have only entered a login code
  • you have incorrectly entered the code generated by the code generator

You may unblock the login by:

Is it possible for another person who knows my login code access my internet bank?

To log in to the internet bank, the login code alone is not enough. After having entered the login code, it must be confirmed by one of the authentication tools (Smart‑ID, mobile signature, or code generator). If this action is not confirmed with one of the authentication tools, the login will fail to proceed.

I have several Luminor accounts and payment cards, however, I can only see the account balances on the internet bank. Why is this the case?

There is a great possibility that the agreements you have signed with the Bank determine that on the internet bank you can only manage the accounts that are not linked to your payment cards. If you have faced this issue, please approach us by calling +370 5 239 3444.

What shall I do if I have lost my code generator or my mobile phone with Smart‑ID app or Mobile‑ID implemented there?

If you have lost your login code generator, call us +370 5 239 3444. We will issue a new code generator or other authentication tool for you at the closest Luminor customer service center.

If you have lost your mobile phone with Smart‑ID app implemented there, the detailed answer can be found here.

If you have lost your mobile phone with Mobile‑ID implemented there, contact your mobile operator.

I need a new code generator. How much does it cost?

Based on the price list, the DP260 fee is EUR 15, DP270 fee is EUR 18.

Where can I see the amounts reserved on my account and/ or the amount of debts for third parties?

When you log in to the internet bank, in either the main page or in the “Accounts/Cards” section, you can view a detailed information relating to accounts you have. The total amount reserved on the account can be viewed in the “Reserved amount” column. By clicking on this amount, you will be able to see an additional window with detailed information on card payments and/ or amount of debts for the third parties.

How can I update the customer’s questionnaire on the internet bank?

Log in to the internet bank → Click Settings at the top of the page → from the list provided select Customer‘s questionnaire → Click Update in the opened window.

Can I log in to the internet bank with mobile signature activated for another phone number (the number is not provided for the bank as the customer's contact number)?

Yes, it is allowed. Mobile signature can be activated for another phone number than the one provided as the customer’s contact number.

Is it enough to have one authentication tool when logging in to the internet bank?

Yes, however, we strongly recommend having at least two authentication tools, e.g. Smart‑ID and mobile signature or code generator.

How can I log in to the internet bank?

In order to log in to the internet bank, you need to enter the Luminor internet bank address: in the browser’s searching bar or by clicking on the „internet bank“ button in the top right corner of the Luminor web page (

You will need a login code and authentication tool to log in.

How can I change my contact information on the internet bank?

Log in to the internet bank → Click Settings at the top of the page → from the list provided select Contact data. Then, click the Change button next to the contact details and enter the new data. Once you changed the details you wanted, click Confirm and your contact information will be updated.

Administration of accounts and account user rights on the internet bank

You simply need to name the person you wish to be authorized to administer account user rights and then you will be able to adjust the account administration, assign new account users on the internet bank and make other relevant changes relating to the account users. To enable this functionality, do the following:

  • Log in to the internet bank and fill out the Request to grant the right to administer account users’ rights in the “Applications” section and confirm it by signing.
  • In case you do not have access to the internet bank as a manager, you can fill in the Request and submit it to relationship manager assigned to your company or any other consultant at bank's branch.
Note: The application must be filled out and submitted by the entity’s manager (or a person authorized to submit such applications). The person authorized to administer the account users’ rights must have the primary signature authority to any one account.

As soon this functionality is enabled, you can adjust the account user’s rights on‑line any time: Settings → Administration of accounts and account user’s rights.
In case a new account user has been assigned to have access to the entity’s internet bank, the administrator should fill in the Request to grant access to the internet bank and/or grant a log-in tool in the “Applications” section. Once the request has been activated, the new account user will appear on the entity’s account users list, however, the administrator should not forget to grant the respective rights to the new account user.

Note: New and not registered account users will have to visit the bank’s closest branch and provide the personal information and, if necessary, collect the login tool.

More information on this functionality, accounts administration and users’ rights is available in the Instruction For Accounts And Access Rights Management.

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