Our business clients can administer accounts and account user rights fast and easily.

Just name the person who will be authorised to administer account user rights and you can adjust the account administration, assign new account users on the internet bank and make other relevant changes relating to the account users. To enable this functionality:

  • Log-in to the internet bank and fill out the Request to grant the right to administer account users’ rights in the “Applications” field and confirm it by signing.
  • In case you do not have access to the internet bank as a manager, you can fill out the Request and submit it to relationship manager assigned to your company or any other consultant at bank's branch.
Note: The application has to be filled out and submitted by the entity’s manager (or a person authorised to submit such applications). The person authorised to administer the account users’ rights must have the primary signature authority to any one account. 

As soon this functionality is enabled, you can adjust the account user’s rights on-line any time: Settings → Administration of accounts and account user’s rights.

Accounts and account user rights administration window allows the following actions:

  • Grant/cancel the signature right of any level to operate one, several or all accounts on the internet bank for the existing and newly assigned account users;
  • Grant/cancel the rights to generate payment orders, view account balances and statements of accounts for the existing and newly assigned account users;
  • Grant/cancel the right to make agreements on the internet bank for the existing and newly assigned account users;
  • Set limits on payment operations to the account users and on all accounts within the limits set by the Bank.

If a new account user needs to have access to the entity’s internet bank, the administrator should fill out the Request to grant access to the internet bank and/or grant a log-in tool in the “Applications” field. Once the request has been activated, the new account user will appear on the entity’s account users list, however the administrator should remember to grant the respective authorities to the account user.

Note: New and not registered account users will have to visit the bank’s nearest branch and provide the personal information and, if necessary, collect the log-in tool.

More information on this functionality, accounts administration and users’ rights is available in the Instruction for accounts and access rights management.