What to do if you want to report the claim?

If you lost your job, get injured, or fall ill, you have to register the claim in order to receive the insurance compensation amount.

You can register the claim in three ways:

  • In self-service of Gjensidige
  • On the web page of Gjensidige under section Register Event section
  • Or you can call 1626

Is Loan Payment Insurance available for self‑employed person?

No, self-employed persons cannot apply for the Loan Payment Insurance. Insurance contract can be concluded with person who has the employment in the Republic of Lithuania which is regulated by the law of the Republic of Lithuania and who has the statutory right to social benefits accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania under a permanent or fixed term contract concluded for at least 13 months ​before signing the insurance contract, Client has been working at least 16 hours a week (important: if customer is in maternity, paternity, adoption leave, military service obligations cannot conclude an insurance contract). All insurance exclusions are mentioned in Terms and Conditions.

Is it necessary to pay for Loan Payment Insurance during the credit holidays?

The insurance premium payment is not linked to the monthly loan payment. It means, if you have chosen a credit holiday during which you only have to pay credit interest, the payment of the insurance premium will stay constant. The insurance premium is fixed amount and its level is stated in your insurance contract. 

How do I cancel my insurance contract?

By notifying the Insurer in written of the termination of the insurance contract at least 15 days prior to the desired date of termination:

  • by post
  • by e‑mail
  • using courier services
  • through the Gjensidige self‑service portal
The request to terminate the insurance contract must be signed by you or your authorized person (except for providing on the self‑service website).
If You have used means of remote communications (internet, telephone, e‑mail) to conclude an insurance contract, You have the right of withdrawal to terminate the insurance contract in 14 calendar days after its conclusion of insurance contract  notifying Insurer in written format, except for cases, specified in insurance terms and conditions.

What should I do if I resigned my loan with another bank?

The protection provided by the insurance contract is only valid as long as you have a valid loan agreement. After completing the refinancing, please notify the insurer to terminate your insurance contract via: 

Can I suspend the cover, for example, during pregnancy?

No, according to insurance terms and conditions you are not able to suspend your cover.

Is Loan Payment Insurance effective if insured event occurs due to Coronavirus?
