If you lost your job, got injured, or became ill, you need to register your claim to receive the insurance payout. You can register the claim:
If you are self-employed, you can't apply for loan payment insurance. You can apply for loan payment insurance only if you are employed in the Republic of Lithuania, your job is regulated by the law of the Republic of Lithuania, and you have the statutory right to social benefits.
Yes. If you are on a credit holiday and are only paying the interest on your loan, you still have to pay your insurance premiums on time. Insurance premiums are fixed, and the amount is specified in your insurance agreement.
If you want to cancel your payment insurance agreement, you need to notify the insurer ADB „Compensa Vienna Insurance Group“. You can notify them:
The loan payment insurance cover is valid for as long as the loan agreement. If you refinanced your loan to another bank, please notify the insurer ADB „Compensa Vienna Insurance Group“ and terminate your insurance agreement. You can do that in the following ways:
Unfortunately, the insurance terms and conditions do not allow to suspend your coverage.
Yes, it does.
If your salary is reduced but you remain employed, the insurance compensation will not be paid out.