Luminor tvari ateitis index

  • Accounting unit value
  • Net asset value
    13 807 272
  • Initial unit value
  • Date started
  • Accounting unit value
  • Net asset value
    3 998 863
  • Initial unit value
  • Date started

Unit value change (on chosen period): 11.8300%

Unit value change (on chosen period): 11.8300%

Investment units

Unit value change (%)

Per 3 months Per 6 months Year to date (YTD)
0.7052 2.8640 8.4237

Luminor tvari ateitis index is a high-risk fund with up to 100 percent assets can be invested in stock markets. The global direction of the equities has been chosen, the long-term return of which is more stable compared to the return of funds established on a sectoral or regional basis. Designed for participants who seek potentially higher returns over the long term and accept large fluctuations in value. More suitable for younger and middle-aged accumulators.

Pension Fund Depository - Luminor Bank AS, legal entity code 11315936, registration address Liivalaia tn 45, Tallinn 10145, Republic of Estonia, acting through the Lithuanian branch of Luminor Bank AS, legal entity code 304870069, registered office address Konstitucijos ave. 21A, 08105, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania.

As of 2023-04-01:

Developed countries equities has been increased by reducing the equities of emerging markets to limit the risk in emerging markets and to better reflect market capitalisation proportions.

The benchmark consists of a basket of risky assets (equities):

  • 85% MSCI WORLD SRI Filtered PAB Index
  • 15 % MSCI EM SRI Filtered PAB Index.

From 2021-05-24 to 2023-03-31

The benchmark consisted of a basket of risky assets (equities):

  • 75% MSCI WORLD SRI Filtered PAB Index*
  • 25 % MSCI EM SRI Filtered PAB Index*.

*On 1st of March 2022 MSCI Inc. changed MSCI World SRI Filtered ex Fossil Fuels Index name to MSCI WORLD SRI Filtered PAB Index, and MSCI EM SRI Filtered ex Fossil Fuels Index name to MSCI EM SRI Filtered PAB Index.

Supplementary pension contribution is a pension contribution of a chosen amount that you or your employer can pay. Pay this contribution to your retirement savings account and take care of your future now.

How to pay an additional pension contribution?

  • make a transfer to the bank account of the pension fund in which the person accumulates a pension. Each pension fund has a different bank account;
  • indicate the name of the pension fund in the field of the beneficiary;
  • in the purpose of the payment, indicate the number or personal identification code of the person for whom you are making a contribution;
  • if the contribution is paid by the employer, select "company code" in the payer's identification field and enter it.

IMPORTANT! Only after correct information and making a transfer to the correct bank account of the pension fund will we be able to assign additional pension contributions to the accumulator in a timely manner. If we are unable to identify the additional pension contribution paid, we will refund it to the payer.

Bank accounts of pension funds

II Pillar Pension Funds Overviews
III Pillar Pension Funds Overviews
Luminor Pension Funds Reports