Card issuance/renewal
Card issuance fee Fee EUR 8
Collecting the card at the branch* Fee EUR 3
Card sending by mail within Lithuania Fee free of charge
Card sending by mail abroad Fee EUR 6
Card maintenance fee Fee EUR 8 per year
Card renewal fee** Fee free of charge
Card replacement*** Fee EUR 8
Card issuing in urgent procedure**** Fee EUR 25

Card validity 3 years.
*This fee is also applied if the customer had specified to the bank that the card will be collected at the bank’s outlet but afterwards requested to send it by mail.
**Cards are renewed provided that at least one card transaction was performed within the past three months.
***The fee is applied if the card is lost, damaged, if PIN code is forgotten, if card is demagnetized, if latin letters are changed to Lithuanian ones or visa versa. In case of change of the cardholder's name and/or surname, the chard is replaced free of charge provided that the card expires within maximum 2 months.
****By submitting an application to issue a card in urgent procedure at the Bank's branch by 10:45, you can collect the card at the end of the bank's following business day at the Bank's branch indicated in the application.

Account fees and transaction fees set in the Pricelist are separately charged for using the payment card linked account and for transactions performed therein without using a payment card.

Cash withdrawal/depositing
Cash withdrawal at DNB Bank (in Lithuania and Latvia) and SEB Bankas ATM‘s Fee 0.5% (min 0,6 EUR)
Cash withdrawal at other bank‘s ATM‘s Fee 2% (min 3 EUR)
Cash withdrawal within the network of the bank's partners* via EKS Fee 1% (min EUR 1.5)
Cash withdrawal at the shops offering the cash disbursement service if payment for goods by card makes at least EUR 5 Pay out from EUR 5 to 100 Fee free of charge
Cash depositing at DNB Bank's ATMs with cash-in function Fee 0.06%
cash depositing within the network of the bank's partners* via EKS Fee 0.06%

*At Perlo paslaugos, UAB Perlo lottery terminals (cash withdrawal and depositing), at Lietuvos paštas, AB branches and PayPost (cash withdrawal only) following the lists of locations of the Bank's partners provided on DNB Bankas website: Perlas terminals, Lietuvos paštas branches, PayPost.

Other card fees and services
Granting of a non-standart limit on ATM cash withdrawal and payments for goods/services* Fee EUR 30
Currency exchange fee in case of payment in other than the card account currency Fee 0.0245
Safe card monthly fee per payment card Fee EUR 0.55 per month
Annual fee for accident insurance per payment card Fee EUR 7.24 per year
Issuing of a copy of the receipt at customer‘s request in case of a local payment Fee EUR 1.5
Issuing of a copy of the receipt at customer‘s request in case of a foreign payment Fee EUR 6

*- Non-standard limit requires use of service Safe card.
**- Cards booked via on-line banking system or in other ways set by the Bank are sent by mail.

Total amount of cash withdrawal operations Fee EUR 2900
Number of cash withdrawal operations Fee unlimited
Total amount on payments for goods Fee EUR 8700
number of operations on payments for goods Fee unlimited

A cash withdrawal or payment transaction performed is not deducted from the used day limit before 24 hours from execution thereof.