Daily services
free of charge
Bank account opening* and maintenance+
Code generator (1st unit)+
Transfers in euros via internet banking to DNB and other banks registered in Lithuania or other countries of the European Economic Area+
E-store payments and payments for services via internet banking+
Administration of funds (EUR) transferred within the bank and from other banks registered in Lithuania+
Business payment card VISA Business Electron or VISA Business (one at the choice)**+

The services and offers as specified are available to companies that have been active for maximum 12 months, and the special conditions apply for 12 months from their first application.
The Bank has the right to suspend the service subject to prior notification.
After expiry or termination of the discount period DNB will apply the standard fees and charges as specified in the price list.
*Account opening at no charge to residents only (companies established in Lithuania) and clients of DNB Group banks in Latvia, Estonia and Norway.
**No charge for card issuing and servicing for 1 year.

Retail trade
free of charge
Payment card acceptance service at merchants:
Contract conclusion fee+
Electronic card reader installation fee+
Monthly fee+
Commission fee for cards administered 0.90 % per DNB payment card; 1.10 % per payment card of other banks

The services and offers as specified are available to companies that have been active for maximum 12 months, and the special conditions apply 12 months from their first application.
The Bank has the right to suspend the service subject to prior notification.

free of charge
E-commerce contract conclusion fee+
Monthly fee+
Administration fee for funds transferred 2 % on each payment order amount but maximum EUR 2.90

The services and offers as specified are available to companies that have been active for maximum 12 months, and the special conditions apply 12 months from their first application.
The Bank has the right to suspend the service subject to prior notification.