BizKit S BizKit M BizKit L
5 EUR/month9 EUR/month18 EUR/month
The services included in the banking package at no charge:
Account (no minimum account charge)2 accounts4 accounts Unlimited
Administration of funds (EUR) credited*+++
Euro transfers via internet banking**10 transfers25 transfers55 transfers
VISA Business Electron issuing and servicing1 card 2 cards2 cards
VISA Business issuing and servicing-1 card 1 card
Code generator (1st unit)+++
Other charges:
Package cancellation fee***EUR 15EUR 15EUR 15
Package change fee****EUR 15EUR 15EUR 15

*Transfers in euros within DNB bank; transfers in euros received from other banks registered in Lithuania or from a payment service providers registered in the European Economic Area (EEA) countries against SEPA payment order.
**Transfer to other beneficiary’s account within DNB bank; standard transfer to EEA countries (SEPA); one-time payment of e-invoice; payment for services; to beneficiary’s account against payment order for goods / services given via e-commerce system within DNB bank; standing order payments to other beneficiary’s account within DNB bank; standing order payments to beneficiary’s account at other banks registered in Lithuania.
***Before expiry of 6 months from starting to use it.
****Where one BizKit banking package is replaced with another before expiry of 6 months from starting to use it. BizKit banking package change at no charge if replaced with larger BizKit banking package instead.

BizKit monthly fee is charged from your selected account within the first 5 workdays of the current month.