Account opening
at the Bankvia Internet bank
Account opening free of charge -
Account opening for non-residents*EUR 150 -

*The fee is applied to persons whose domicile is outside the Republic of Lithuania and paid before making verification and a decision to enter into a business relationship.

Account maintenance
at the Bankvia Internet bank
Minimum account fee*EUR 2.20 per monthEUR 2.20 per month
Changing the account users** EUR 8free of charge
Registration of entity’s legal status and assigning a bankruptcy administrator to manage the account EUR 10EUR 10
Interest for overdrawing the account18 % -
Issuance of a cheque book (25 pages)EUR 7.24 -

*Additional account maintenance fee, calculated at the end of each day by multiplying the account balance by coefficient K, is applied to financial institutions, including, without limitation, banks, credit unions and other credit institutions, insurance companies and insurance brokers, financial brokerage companies, investment companies, collective investment undertakings, including, without limitation, pension funds, if the account balance at the end of a calendar day is higher than EUR 1,000,000. Coefficient K is equal to the absolute value of (EONIA-0.10%)/360 (i.e. the module) where EONIA is lower than 0.10%. On the calculation day the Bank applies the last quoted EONIA rate. The fee is debited from the account on the last calendar day of each month.

Other legal entities are charged an additional account maintenance fee, which is calculated at the end of each day by multiplying the account balance by coefficient K, if the account balance is higher than EUR 10,000,000 at the end of a calendar day. Coefficient K is equal to the absolute value of (EONIA-0.10%)/360 (i.e. the module) where EONIA is lower than 0.10%. The last quoted EONIA rate is applied by the Bank on the calculation day. The fee is debited from the account on the last calendar day of each month.

The additional account maintenance fee is not applied if EONIA is higher than 0.10%.

**The fee is charged at the bank’s branch in case of changing / appointing / cancelling the persons authorized to use the bank account(-s). This fee is not charged in case of changing a legal entity’s executive officer or appointing a bankruptcy administrator.

Statements of account
at the Bankvia Internet bank
Issuing of account statements for the current month free of charge free of charge
Issuing of account statements for period indicated by a customer EUR 5 per month, max EUR 25For up to 3 years period - free of charge, for more than 3 years period - EUR 10 per each request
Mailing of account statements by post in Lithuania or to foreign countriesEUR 5 regular -
Submission of payment orders / account statements in other format via internet bank -EUR 35 per year
Bank statements
at the Bankvia Internet bank
Opened/closed accounts and their balances (for each year)*EUR 6EUR 6
For income and property returns*free of charge free of charge
For customer‘s auditors, reference letter*EUR 30EUR 30
Other* On agreed basis, min EUR 15On agreed basis, min EUR 15
Additional fee for issuing a Bank statement at the customer's request within a period not longer than 3 business daysEUR 15EUR 15

*Bank statements issued within 10 business days.

Copies of documents/ mailing
at the Bankvia Internet bank
Copies of documents:
Agreements and other documentsEUR 6 for one agreement -
Payment documentsEUR 2 for each document -
Confirmation of submitted payment document at the bankEUR 1 -
Mailing of other documents:
By post in Lithuania regularEUR 0.80 per one page not less than EUR 1.45 -
By post in Lithuania registeredEUR 0.80 per one page not less than EUR 3 -
By post to foreign countriesEUR 0.80 per one page not less than EUR 6 -