Please be informed that we’re introducing some changes to our Price List for Private Customers on 1 February 2024.

Please take a moment to look through the summary of upcoming changes:

  • A monthly fee for Safety+ service will change from EUR 0.79 to EUR 0.99.
  • A new fee of EUR 2 will be introduced for payment card delivery by mail (not applicable to the card holders under 21 and the Basic payment account service users).
  • In addition, a fee of EUR 0.50 will be introduced for each crypto exchange, gambling, or lottery transaction made with a card.
  • The Priority Pass lounge access fee for VISA card holders will change from EUR 28 to EUR 30 per visit per person.
  • After termination of a business relationship, a monthly fee of EUR 20 will be introduced for handling of funds remaining in a bank account.
  • A monthly account maintenance fee for non‑residents outside the European Economic Area (EEA) will change from EUR 10 to EUR 15.

For more information, please check here: Luminor Changes to Price List for private customers from 1 February 2024.

If you agree to our proposed changes, you don't need to take any action – the changes will take effect on 1 February 2024.

If you don’t agree to them, you have the right to withdraw from the service agreements affected by these changes immediately, free of charge, and without penalty by notifying us in writing by 1 February 2024 and fulfilling the obligations arising from these service agreements.

We put needs of all our customers, especially the socially sensitive ones, at the heart of our business. Therefore, we will continue applying discounts for children and young people under 21 and for seniors aged 65 and above.

To ensure that we are keeping up with the constantly changing banking sector and regulatory environment, we have updated Luminor General Business Terms that form an integral part of all agreements concluded between Luminor and customers.

Our main goal was to simplify the General Business Terms and provide them in an easy‑to‑understand manner.

The main changes to Luminor General Business Terms as of 1 March 2024:

  • reworded text while retaining the legal substance;
  • abandoned excessive numbering of paragraphs to improve the readability of the text;
  • reduced legal jargon;
  • deleted repetitive passages;
  • shortened paragraphs and sentences;
  • introduced the question‑and‑answer format;
  • introduced “we” to refer to Luminor and “you” to refer to a customer.

Please check the link below for more details: Luminor General Business Terms as of 1 March 2024

You will also be able to read through them at our Customer Service Centres from 1 January 2024.

If you agree to our proposed changes, you don't need to take any action – the updated Luminor General Business Terms will take effect on 1 March 2024. If you don’t agree to changes, you have the right to withdraw from the service agreements by notifying us in writing and fulfilling all contractual obligations by 29 February 2024. Payment service agreements can be terminated without any fees or sanctions. If you do not withdraw from the agreement before the effective date of the changes, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes to Luminor General Business Terms.

Thank you for being with us!

Making banking delightfully easy