Deposit currency EUR
Deposit term From 6 months to 1 year. You may choose a preferred number of days.
Minimum deposit amount EUR 10
Maximum deposit amount for which interest rates are applicable EUR 15,000. You may conclude no more than five accumulative deposit contracts.
Minimum deposit supplement amount EUR 1
When can you conclude a contract? On internet bank: every day from 00:01 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
At a branch or via phone: during the working hours.
Deposit termination You can terminate all deposits at any branch or via internet banking (Savings and investment → My deposits).
  • According to the accumulative deposit contract, if you choose to withdraw a deposit prior to its term, you are obliged to notify us in writing no later than 7 working days in advance.
  • The deposit may be terminated and the funds repaid to the deposit servicing account earlier than within 7 working days (if possible, on the same working day).
  • If you withdraw your deposit prior to its maturity, you will not be paid any interest for the actual deposit holding period.