What should you do on occurrence of an event?

Immediately inform the competent authorities about the event: for instance, about theft – the police, about fire – the fire brigade, about communication emergency – the emergency service, and about an explosion – the police and the emergency service.

Within 24 hours, inform the Clients’ Information Center of Lietuvos draudimas about the event:

  • By phone: 1828 (if calling from Lithuania): I–IV: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., V: 8:00 a.m.–3:45 p.m., or  +370 5 266 6612 (if calling from abroad)
  • Online: On the website ld.lt, in the Praneškite apie įvykį (Notify us about an event) section; on receipt of your notice, we will contact you not later than within three business days