Information on a legal entity, including entities without legal personality

Please provide the basic information on your company and its contact details. Double-check if all of the details are correct.

Important! If you agree to receive our information, please indicate it in My consents for direct marketing. This way, we can send you our newsletters and offers tailored to your needs. If you don't agree, we will only use your contact details and implement the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

Information on the head of the company

Please indicate the current head of your company and provide their contact details. Double‑check if all of the details are correct. In case of the change of the head of the company, please calls us at +370 5 239 3444 or visit the nearest Customer Service Centre to update the information.

Information on activities

Business activity code

Please enter your business activity code under the statistical classification of economic activities (NACE). You can find your business activity code in the Centre of Registers or in the search of the Official Statistics portal for economic activities and institutional sectors.

Does your company provide financial services?

Please indicate whether your company provides financial services and specify which services. To check what services are considered as financial services, please click here.

GIIN – a Global Intermediary Identification Number assigned to certain financial institutions by the Internal Revenue Service of the U.S.

Does your company carry out activities related to financial institutions, e-money or virtual currencies?

Payment institution – a licensed legal entity that provides payment services (performs money remittances, payment transactions, direct debit or credit transfers, provide cash deposit, cash withdrawal or payment initiation services, etc.) or other additional services that are closely related to these services, e.g., currency exchange.

Electronic money institution – a licensed legal entity that has the right to issue electronic money. Electronic money– pre-paid monetary value issued into circulation by an electronic money institution, held on electronic devices, which can be used for payment purposes. An electronic money institution may also perform money remittances, payment transactions, provide cash deposit and withdrawal services, perform direct debit or credit transfers, etc.

A legal entity which is involved in virtual currencies – a legal entity carrying out the activities of a virtual currency exchange operator or the activities of a depository virtual currency wallet operator and providing other services related to virtual currencies.

Passive income (interest, dividends, royalties, etc.)

Please specify what percentage of your total income is passive. For example, passive income can be dividends or interest. If the company has no employees, passive income can also include earnings from rent and royalties. In addition, it can include annuities that are often related to life insurance, capital gains, profits from assets or equity that can generate passive income, certain returns of insurance or payments, refunds.

Financial transactions

Sources of planned incoming payments

This information will help us understand your activities, the nature of your financial transactions, and predict your future financial behaviour. This way, we will be able to identify which transactions are typical for you and which are not. It will help us prevent potential financial crimes and protect your funds. Please indicate, as precisely as possible, the sources of the planned incoming payments and the payers. These can be the revenue received from customers, owners of the company, etc.

Accounts in other banks

Please indicate whether you have any accounts with other financial institutions from which you can make transactions to your Luminor account. This way, we will be able to identify which transactions are typical for you and which are not.

It is important for us to know whether you plan to deposit or withdraw money so that we could understand if these transactions correspond to your planned activities. Double‑check if all information is correct. Should the nature of your activities change, please update the information. If we notice any discrepancies, we may ask you additional questions and/or request to update your Customer questionnaire.

Monthly turnover for the previous year

This information will help us understand your activities, the nature of your financial transactions, and predict your future financial behaviour. This way, we will be able to identify which transactions are typical for you and which are not. It will help us prevent potential financial crimes and protect your funds.

Planned regular monthly turnover

Planned monthly turnover means the amount of payment transactions you plan to execute in your bank account on a monthly basis. We understand that it may be irregular. Please indicate your planned average turnover. If your planned turnover significantly differs from the actual turnover, we may ask you some additional questions and request to update your Customer questionnaire. This way, we will be able to identify which transactions are typical for you and which are not. It will help us to know you better and protect your funds. Please note that this information collection is not related to the transaction limits set for you.

Main business partners

Main business partners mean business partners to whom you intend to make payment transactions or partners from whom you intend to receive payment transactions. Usually, these are suppliers or sellers of goods and services. This way, we will be able to identify which transactions are typical for you and which are not. It will help us prevent potential financial crimes and protect your funds.

Shareholders and beneficial owners

Shareholders (principal owners)

Information on shareholders (owners) will help us better understand the ownership and governance structure of your company, its financial transactions and their economic basis.

Please provide information on natural and/or legal persons (shareholders) in your ownership and governance structure that own more than 25% of shares (capital, assets, etc.) or voting rights. If there are no persons owning or controlling more than 25% of shares or voting rights, please indicate the major shareholders with the largest shareholding.

Beneficial owners

A beneficial owner of a legal entity is considered to be:

  • Direct owner – a natural person who directly controls a legal entity by owning more than 25% of its shares or voting rights.
  • Indirect owner – a natural person who controls the legal entity that owns more than 25% of shares and/or voting rights of another legal entity and thus indirectly controls it.
  • The natural person who controls a legal entity through other means, for example, has the right to appoint or dismiss the manager of the legal entity, make strategic decisions.
  • If there are no such persons, the beneficial owner is considered to be the natural person who controls the legal entity in other ways, for example, is its head, chair of the board or other collegiate management body, the member or the natural person holding senior managerial positions and who holds the sufficient authority to make decisions on behalf of the legal entity.

Information about relations with politically exposed (vulnerable) persons

Is the head, beneficial owner, shareholders of the legal entity, their immediate family members* or close assosiates** currently entrusted (or were entrusted in the past) with the prominent public functions?

Politically exposed (vulnerable) person is a natural person who is currently entrusted or has been entrusted with a prominent public function within the last 12 months, their close family members, or close associates. Prominent public functions are:

  • a head of state, head of government, government minister or deputy minister or assistant minister, state secretary, member of parliament, chancellor of government or ministry;
  • a member of parliament;
  • a member of a supreme court, constitutional court, or of other high‑level judicial body whose decisions cannot be appealed;
  • a mayor of a municipality, a director of the municipal administration;
  • a member of the governing body of a supreme audit and control institution or a chair, deputy chair or member of the board of a central bank;
  • an ambassador, chargé d'affaires, the Commander of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, commanders of military units and formation, the Chief of Defence Staff, or a high‑ranking military officer from foreign armed forces;
  • a member of the management or supervisory board of a state‑owned enterprise, joint‑stock company, or closed joint‑stock company, of which the shares or a portion of shares granting more than half of all votes at the general meeting of shareholders of this company belong to the state by ownership right, management or supervision;
  • a member of the management or supervisory body of a municipal enterprise, joint‑stock company, or private limited company, of which shares or a portion of shares granting more than half of all votes in the general shareholders' meeting are owned by the municipality, and which are considered as large companies under the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Financial Reporting by Undertakings;
  • a head of an international intergovernmental organization, its deputy head, or a member of its governing or supervisory body;
  • a deputy leader of the political party, and member of the party's governing body.
Important! A politically exposed person is not considered to be someone who expresses their views by voting in the parliamentary, presidential, or municipal elections.
Under the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing of the Republic of Lithuania we are required to collect information about politically exposed (vulnerable) persons.
* The spouse, the person with whom the partnership is registered (co‑habitant), parents, siblings, children and spouses of children, co‑habitants of children, parents of the spouse or the co‑habitant.
** The person with whom you have a business or maintain other business relationships.