Customer information and contact details

Please check your basic personal data (first name, last name, personal identification number, country of citizenship, date of birth, country of birth) and provide your contact details (phone number, e‑mail address, and correspondence address). Double‑check if all of the details are correct.

If your first name, last name, personal identification number, or country of citizenship has changed, call us at +370 5 239 3444 or visit the nearest Luminor Customer Service Center, and we will be happy to update your details. Please have your passport or ID card ready.

Important! If you agree to receive our information, please indicate it in My consents for direct marketing. This way, we can send you our newsletters and offers tailored to your needs. If you don't agree, we will only use your contact details to ensure the quality of our services and implement the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

Residence address for tax purposes

The country in which a natural person is considered a resident for income tax purposes (the country where they were issued a tax identification number). Please indicate your residence address(es) for tax purposes and enter the tax identification number issued to you by your country of residence (for example, it is a personal identification number in Lithuania). Please note that the number must follow the structure of the numbers issued by your country of tax residence. For an overview of the domestic rules of each country, please see here.

If we find that your tax identification number (or your personal identification number) may be incorrect, we can ask you to provide supporting documents. If a country indicated in the residence address for tax purposes is different than in other addresses, we may ask you to provide documents proving your tax residence. If we find that you have any other links with any other country, we may ask you to explain the nature of these links.

I confirm that there are no income tax residence countries other than I have declared above

By ticking the box, you confirm that you have indicated all countries in which you are considered to be a taxpayer. If you have not, please provide the missing information.

Are you or your close family members*, or close associates** considered as politically exposed persons <...>?

Are you or your close family members*, or close associates** considered as politically exposed persons who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions in the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union, or international or foreign institutions?

A politically exposed (vulnerable) person is a natural person who is currently entrusted or has been entrusted with a prominent public function within the last 12 months, their close family members, or close associates. Prominent public functions are:

  • a head of state, head of government, government minister or deputy minister or assistant minister, state secretary, member of parliament, chancellor of government or ministry;
  • a member of parliament;
  • a member of a supreme court, constitutional court, or of other high‑level judicial body whose decisions cannot be appealed;
  • a mayor of a municipality, a director of the municipal administration;
  • a member of the governing body of a supreme audit and control institution or a chair, deputy chair or member of the board of a central bank;
  • an ambassador, chargé d'affaires, the Commander of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, commanders of military units and formation, the Chief of Defence Staff, or a high‑ranking military officer from foreign armed forces;
  • a member of the management or supervisory board of a state‑owned enterprise, joint‑stock company, or closed joint‑stock company, of which the shares or a portion of shares granting more than half of all votes at the general meeting of shareholders of this company belong to the state by ownership right, management or supervision;
  • a member of the management or supervisory body of a municipal enterprise, joint‑stock company, or private limited company, of which shares or a portion of shares granting more than half of all votes in the general shareholders' meeting are owned by the municipality, and which are considered as large companies under the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Financial Reporting by Undertakings;
  • a head of an international intergovernmental organization, its deputy head, or a member of its governing or supervisory body;
  • a deputy leader of the political party, and member of the party's governing body.
Important! A politically exposed person is not considered to be someone who expresses their views by voting in the parliamentary, presidential, or municipal elections.

Under the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing of the Republic of Lithuania, we are required to collect information about politically exposed (vulnerable) persons.

* The spouse, the person with whom the partnership is registered (co‑habitant), parents, siblings, children and spouses of children, co‑habitants of children, parents of the spouse or the co‑habitant.
** The person with whom you have a business or maintain other business relationships.

Information about your activities and income sources

Please provide information about your activities and income sources in this section (you can select more than one option). Make sure you indicate all of the income sources and the current workplace.

Important! If you change jobs, please update your details and check if your residence address for tax purposes is correct.

Do you participate in the management of the company?

Do you own any shares, capital, or voting rights of the company?

This question concerns your involvement in the governance of the company. Please indicate if you own any shares (ownership rights, voting rights, stocks) of the company and if you are the beneficial owner and/or receive any profit. We need this information to better understand your planned account inflows and their sources.

The main source of income and the average planned monthly credit turnover in bank accounts

Please specify your main sources of income and the average amount of the planned account inflows.

This information will help us understand your activities, and the nature of your financial transactions, and predict your future financial behavior. This way, we will be able to identify which transactions are typical for you and which are not. It will help us prevent potential financial crimes and protect your funds. If your planned turnover significantly differs from the actual turnover, we may ask you some additional questions and request to update your Customer questionnaire. Please note that this information collection is not related to the transaction limits set for you.

I confirm that I am the beneficial owner of the funds held in the bank account

If you are not the beneficial owner of the funds held in the bank account, a bank employee will contact you to clarify the information.