Please be informed that we’re introducing some changes to our Price List for Business Customers.

Please take time to read through the summary of upcoming changes as of 1 February 2024:

  • A monthly fee for the business package S will change from EUR 6 to EUR 7.
  • If a customer who was given a notice about the termination of the business relationship fails to transfer their funds to another bank within the specified 30-day period, a monthly fee of EUR 30 will be introduced for handling of funds remaining in their bank account.
  • A fee for withdrawals using a debit card at Luminor ATM in the Baltic countries and Medus ATM in Lithuania will increase from 1% to 1.5% for the value of cash withdrawn (from min. EUR 1 to min. EUR 2 respectively).
  • A fee of EUR 20 in addition to the current payment fee will be introduced for payments to/from high-risk countries.
  • A fee for drafting a reference or a reference letter to a customer’s auditors will increase from EUR 30 to EUR 50.
  • A monthly fee for Safety+ service will change from EUR 0.79 to EUR 0.99.

* The list of countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan.

Changes as of 1 May 2024:

  • A fee for submitting an application to deliver cash in national currency will change from 0.01% of the amount to be delivered (minimum EUR 5) to EUR 10.
  • A fee for crediting cash collected in coins to an account in national currency will change from 0.6% to 0.7% of the amount to be credited.

For more information, please check here: Changes to Price List for Business Customers

If you agree to our proposed changes, you don't need to take any action – the changes will take effect on 1 February 2024. If you don’t agree to changes, you have the right to withdraw from the service agreements affected by these changes immediately, free of charge, and without penalty by notifying us in writing by 1 February 2024 and fulfilling the obligations arising from these service agreements.

Thank you for being with us!

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