Fixed interest rate 

Fixed interest rate 

Fixed interest now available for Luminor business customers:

  • Fixed rates for credit lines (overdrafts) and loans for investment and working capital financing
  • The rate fixing period is up to 1 year for credit lines (overdafts) and up to 5 years for loans
  • The interest rate fixing for loans, credit lines and overdrafts is up to EUR 3 million
  • For bigger exposures, Luminor has other offers available

Fixing interest – a way to manage your business plans

How much will it cost for my business to get a loan with a fixed interest rate for the whole loan period? Can I fix the rate for the credit line?

Fixed rates are applicable for loans, credit lines, and credit lines (overdrafts). The applicable fixed interest rate level will depend on the fixing period, repayment schedule, loan amount, etc. For further details, please consult your relationship manager or advisor.

Why is fixing the interest rate a more expensive option than the floating rate? 

Long-term interest rates are almost always higher than short-term rates, the main reason for this being term premia, liquidity premia, and the insurance component.

Can I switch from a fixed interest rate to a floating rate? What are the applicable fees?

Yes, you can switch from a fixed interest rate to floating rate throughout your agreement. If your rate fixing period is up to 1 year, and you want to change your rate from fixed to floating, no breakage fees will be applied, except from the agreement amendment fee, as indicated in the pricelist. If your rate fixing period is longer than 1 year, in addition to the credit agreement amendment fee, a breakage fee will be applied from the outstanding loan amount, as stated in your credit agreement.

Can I repay my loan early if I have a fixed interest rate? How much will it cost?

Yes, you may repay your loan early in full or partially. The fee for early loan repayment is indicated in your credit agreement or Luminor's Price List. If the fixing period is up to 1 year, no additional breakage fees will be applied. If the rate is fixed for a period longer than 1 year, you will be charged an additional breakage fee from the prepaid loan amount. The fee will be indicated in your credit agreement.

I have an investment loan at Luminor with the remaining maturity of 4 years and a floating interest rate. Can I still switch from a fixed interest rate to a floating rate? Can I fix it for the whole term loan period?

Yes, you may fix the interest rate for the entire remaining loan period (up to 4 years) or for any shorter period. The interest rate can be fixed for up to 5 years for loans.

The interest rate may be fixed for up to 1 year for credit lines and credit lines (overdrafts) loans.

Reach out to your relationship manager or book a consultation