The changes in our current pricelist are being made in order to clarify the terms and prices, to ensure better pricelist structure, as well as to unify the prices of services and products in the Baltic States.

The full version of the new price list is available here.


Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Visa Debit
Ordering and delivering
Card issuance fee
No change in fee
Card opening, renewing, closing
Visa Debit
Ordering and delivering
EUR 10
Collecting the card at the bank's unit*
*This fee is also applied if the customer had specified to the bank that the card will be collected at the bank’s unit but afterwards requested to send it by mail.
No change in fee
Delivering the card
- to the Customer Service Center (1)
(1) The fee is not applicable if the Customer pays the fee for an express issuing of the Card.
Visa Debit
Ordering and delivering
Card maintenance fee
No change in fee
Monthly fee
Visa Debit
Ordering and delivering
Card renewal fee**
**Cards are renewed if at least one card transaction was performed within the past two months before the last month of the card validity.
No change in fee
Card opening, renewing, closing
Visa Debit
Ordering and delivering
Card replacement***
***The fee is applied if the card is lost, damaged, if card is demagnetized, if the cardholder's name and/or surname is changed, if latin letters are changed to Lithuanian ones or visa versa.
Replacing the card
- when card is replaced before the expiry date
Visa Debit
Ordering and delivering
EUR 25
Card issuing in an urgent procedure (in 2 working days)
No change in fee
Replacing the card
- additional fee for express issuing (2)
(2) If the card is ordered on a business day by 12:00 AM, it will be delivered to Customer Service Center on the second business day after ordering.
Visa Debit
Ordering and delivering
Cards issued when account no. begins with LTXX40100.
Card validity 3 years.
The customers to whom cards were issued during campaigns or the customers receiving inflows from a legal entity that has agreed with the Bank on transferring funds in payment card linked accounts may be subject to payment card service fees and conditions other than those indicated in the Pricelist. The customer can get information about these fees and conditions at his workplace, at the Bank's unit or by dialing +370 5 239 3444. Upon expiry of the conditions set during the campaign or no income received from the legal entity in 3 subsequent months, the Bank starts charging the payment card fees and conditions set in the Pricelist. Cash withdrawal fees are debited on a daily basis, monthly fees are debited on the last but one workday of each month.
Account fees and transaction fees set in the Pricelist are separately charged for using the payment card linked account and for transactions performed therein without using a payment card.
The bank has the right to unilaterally change the Pricelist, terms and conditions, fees, interest and/or their calculation and payment procedure for the payment card servicing and for the provision of payment services, as well as other banking service fees following the procedure set in the General Rules on the Provision of Services of the Bank and the Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Payment Services with at least 60 calendar days' notice to the Customer who is a consumer. The above mentioned notification is handed over to the Customer personally or announced publicly. Publicly available notification is regarded as an appropriate way of informing the Customer about a unilateral change of the Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Payment Services and/or the Price-list. It shall be deemed that the Customer agrees with these changes provided that before the day of the entry of changes into force he has not notified the Bank that he disagrees with these changes. In such case the Customer has the right to refuse the card without delay before the effective date of the amendments and to pay no commission fee for that. If the Customer does not avail of the right to waive the card before the effective date of the amendments, it shall be deemed that the Customer agrees with the amendments made.
The customer may get information about the fees specifically applied thereto during the bank's business hours in all Bank's units or by dialing +370 5 239 3444.
Visa Debit
Payments and cash
0.40% of the amount (min. EUR 0.40)
Cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries and SEB ATMs in Lithuania
Free up to €600 per calendar month,  0.20% of the sum exceeding €600 (min. €0.40)
- Luminor ATMs
Visa Debit
Payments and cash
Cash depositing at Luminor ATMs in Lithuania with cash-in function
Free up to €2000 per calendar month,  0.20% of the sum exceeding €2000
- Luminor ATMs in Lithuania
Visa Debit
Payments and cash
- Free
Balance enquiry
- from Luminor ATMs
- from other ATMs
Visa Debit
Other services
Currency exchange fee in case of payment in other than the card account currency
No change in fee
Conversion fee for paying in different currency than euro (4)
(4) Conversion fee is added to the VISA applied currency exchange rate in case the transaction currency is not Euros.
Visa Debit
Other services
EUR 1.5
Issuing of a copy of the receipt at customer‘s request in case of a local payment
EUR 25
Issuance of copy of the receipt for a transaction
Visa Debit
Other services
Issuing of a copy of the receipt at customer‘s request in case of a foreign paymen
EUR 25
Issuance of copy of the receipt for a transaction
Visa Debit
Other services
- 18%
Annual interest on unauthorized debit balance
Visa Debit
Visa Classic
Ordering and delivering
Card issuance fee
Visa Classic
Ordering and delivering
EUR 10
Collecting the card at the bank's unit*
*This fee is also applied if the customer had specified to the bank that the card will be collected at the bank’s unit but afterwards requested to send it by mail.
No change in fee
Delivering the card
- to the Customer Service Center (1)
(1) The fee is not applicable if the Customer pays the fee for an express issuing of the Card.
Visa Classic
Ordering and delivering
EUR 1.50
Card maintenance fee
No change in fee
Monthly fee
Visa Classic
Ordering and delivering
Card renewal fee**
**Cards are renewed if at least one card transaction was performed within the past two months before the last month of the card validity.
Visa Classic
Ordering and delivering
Card replacement***
***The fee is applied if the card is lost, damaged, if card is demagnetized, if the cardholder's name and/or surname is changed, if latin letters are changed to Lithuanian ones or visa versa.
Replacing the card
- when card is replaced before the expiry date
Visa Classic
Ordering and delivering
EUR 25
Card issuing in an urgent procedure (in 2 working days)
No change in fee
Replacing the card
- additional fee for express issuing (2)
(2) If the card is ordered on a business day by 12:00 AM, it will be delivered to Customer Service Center on the second business day after ordering.
Visa Classic
Ordering and delivering
EUR 3 per year
Fee for indivudual design card (charged on each card with individual design)****
****From 1 January 2016 cards with individual design will no longer be issued, and lost or expiring payment cards with individual design will be reproduced or renewed for standard design payment cards of the same type. The terms and fees are the same as those applied to the previously issued but still valid cards.
Visa Classic
Ordering and delivering
Cards issued when account no. begins with LTXX40100.
Card validity 3 years.
The customers to whom cards were issued during campaigns or the customers receiving inflows from a legal entity that has agreed with the Bank on transferring funds in payment card linked accounts may be subject to payment card service fees and conditions other than those indicated in the Pricelist. The customer can gen information about these fees and conditions at his workplace, at the Bank's unit or by dialing +370 5 239 3444. Upon expiry of the conditions set during the campaign or no income received from the legal entity in 3 subsequent months, the Bank starts charging the payment card fees and conditions set in the Pricelist. Cash withdrawal fees are debited on a daily basis, monthly fees are debited on the last but one workday of each month. Account fees and transaction fees set in the Pricelist are separately charged for using the payment card linked account and for transactions performed therein without using a payment card.
The Bank has the right to unilaterally change the Pricelist, terms and conditions, fees, interest and/or their calculation and payment procedure for the payment card servicing and for the provision of payment services, as well as other banking service fees following the procedure set in the General Rules on the Provision of Services of the Bank and the Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Payment Services with at least 60 calendar days' notice to the Customer who is a consumer. The above mentioned notification is handed over to the Customer personally or announced publicly. Publicly available notification is regarded as an appropriate way of informing the Customer about a unilateral change of the Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Payment Services and/or the Price-list. It shall be deemed that the Customer agrees with these changes provided that before the day of the entry of changes into force he has not notified the Bank that he disagrees with these changes. In such case the Customer has the right to refuse the card without delay before the effective date of the amendments and to pay no commission fee for that. If the Customer does not avail of the right to waive the card before the effective date of the amendments, it shall be deemed that the Customer agrees with the amendments made.
The customer may get information about the fees specifically applied thereto during the bank's business hours in all bank's units or by dialing +370 5 239 3444. Example of the annual rate calculation on the overall credit price (Visa Classic).
If the Bank issued EUR 1,500 credit in the payment card account for 36 months' period, the overall amount payable by the borrower would make EUR 1659.48 and the overall annual rate of the credit price would make 21.14%.
The calculations include the interest paid during the credit period (16% fixed annual interest rate was used for the calculation), payment card administration fee of EUR 1.50 per month and minimal service fee EUR 1 per month.
The overall annual rate of the credit price and the overall amount payable by the borrower is calculated assuming that the total Credit Limit is used on the Credit Limit issue day and is fully repaid on the last effective day of the agreement and the interest for using the Credit Limit is paid every month.
Visa Classic
Payments and cash
Cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries and SEB ATMs in Lithuania
Free up to €600 per calendar month, 2% of the sum exceeding €600
- Luminor ATMs
Visa Classic
Payments and cash
0.40% of the sum (min. €0.80)
Cash withdrawal within the network of the bank's partners* via POS
2% of the amount (min. €1)
- Perlas POS terminals (4)
Visa Classic
Payments and cash
Cash depositing at Luminor ATMs in Lithuania with cash-in function
Free up to €600 per calendar month, 2% of the sum exceeding €600
- Luminor ATMs in Lithuania
Visa Classic
Payments and cash
- Free
Balance enquiry:
- from Luminor ATMs
- from other ATMs
Visa Classic
- Free
Changing the credit limit
Visa Classic
Other services
Currency exchange fee in case of payment in other than the card account currency
No change in fee
Conversion fee for paying in different currency than euro(3)
(3) Conversion fee is added to the VISA applied currency exchange rate in case the transaction currency is not Euros.
Visa Classic
Other services
EUR 1.50
Issuing of a copy of the receipt at customer‘s request in case of a local payment
EUR 25
Issuance of copy of the receipt for a transaction
Visa Classic
Other services
Issuing of a copy of the receipt at customer‘s request in case of a foreign payment
EUR 25
Issuance of copy of the receipt for a transaction
Visa Classic
Other services
- 18%
Annual interest on unauthorized debit balance
Visa Classic
Visa Gold
Ordering and delivering
Card issuance fee
Visa Gold
Ordering and delivering
EUR 10
Collecting the card at the bank's unit*
*This fee is also applied if the customer had specified to the bank that the card will be collected at the bank’s unit but afterwards requested to send it by mail.
No change in fee
Delivering the card
- to the Customer Service Center (1)
(1) The fee is not applicable if the Customer pays the fee for an express issuing of the Card.
Visa Gold
Ordering and delivering
EUR 3.70
Card maintenance fee
No change in fee
Monthly fee
Visa Gold
Ordering and delivering
Card renewal fee**
**Cards are renewed if at least one card transaction was performed within the past two months before the last month of the card validity.
Visa Gold
Ordering and delivering
Card replacement***
***The fee is applied if the card is lost, damaged, if card is demagnetized, if the cardholder's name and/or surname is changed, if latin letters are changed to Lithuanian ones or visa versa.
Replacing the card
- when card is replaced before the expiry date
Visa Gold
Ordering and delivering
EUR 25
Card issuing in an urgent procedure (in 2 working days)
No change in fee
Replacing the card
- additional fee for express issuing (2)
(2) If the card is ordered on a business day by 12:00 AM, it will be delivered to Customer Service Center on the second business day after ordering.
Visa Gold
Ordering and delivering
Cards issued when account no. begins with LTXX40100.
Card validity 3 years.
The customers to whom cards were issued during campaigns or the customers receiving inflows from a legal entity that has agreed with the Bank on transferring funds in payment card linked accounts may be subject to payment card service fees and conditions other than those indicated in the Pricelist. The customer can gen information about these fees and conditions at his workplace, at the Bank's unit or by dialing +370 5 239 3444. Upon expiry of the conditions set during the campaign or no income received from the legal entity in 3 subsequent months, the Bank starts charging the payment card fees and conditions set in the Pricelist.
 Cash withdrawal fees are debited on a daily basis, monthly fees are debited on the last but one workday of each month.
Account fees and transaction fees set in the Pricelist are separately charged for using the payment card linked account and for transactions performed therein without using a payment card.
The Bank has the right to unilaterally change the Pricelist, terms and conditions, fees, interest and/or their calculation and payment procedure for the payment card servicing and for the provision of payment services, as well as other banking service fees following the procedure set in the General Rules on the Provision of Services of the Bank and the Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Payment Services with at least 60 calendar days' notice to the Customer who is a consumer. The above mentioned notification is handed over to the Customer personally or announced publicly. Publicly available notification is regarded as an appropriate way of informing the Customer about a unilateral change of the Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Payment Services and/or the Price-list. It shall be deemed that the Customer agrees with these changes provided that before the day of the entry of changes into force he has not notified the Bank that he disagrees with these changes. In such case the Customer has the right to refuse the card without delay before the effective date of the amendments and to pay no commission fee for that. If the Customer does not avail of the right to waive the card before the effective date of the amendments, it shall be deemed that the Customer agrees with the amendments made.
The customer may get information about the fees specifically applied thereto during the bank's business hours in all Bank's units or by dialing +370 5 239 3444.
Example of the annual rate calculation on the overall credit price (Visa Gold).
If the Bank issued EUR 1,500 credit in the payment card account for 36 months' period, the overall amount payable by the borrower would make EUR 1,685.88 and the overall annual rate of the credit price would make 24.88%.
The calculations include the interest paid during the credit period (16 % fixed annual interest rate was used for the calculation), payment card administration fee of EUR 3.70 per month and minimal service fee of EUR 1 per month.
The overall annual rate of the credit price and the overall amount payable by the borrower is calculated assuming that the total Credit Limit is used on the Credit Limit issue day and is fully repaid on the last effective day of the agreement and the interest for using the Credit Limit is paid every month.
Visa Gold
Payments and cash
Cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries and SEB ATMs in Lithuania
Free up to €600 per calendar month, 2% of the sum exceeding €600
- Luminor ATMs
Visa Gold
Payments and cash
0.40% of the sum (min. €0.80)
Cash withdrawal within the network of the bank's partners* via POS
2% of the amount (min. €1)
- Perlas POS terminals (4)
Visa Gold
Payments and cash
Cash depositing at Luminor ATMs in Lithuania with cash-in function
Free up to €600 per calendar month, 2% of the sum exceeding €600
- Luminor ATMs in Lithuania
Visa Gold
Payments and cash
- Free
Balance enquiry:
- from Luminor's ATMs
- from other ATMs
Visa Gold
- Free
Changing the credit limit
Visa Gold
Other services
Currency exchange fee in case of payment in other than the card account currency
No change in fee
Conversion fee for paying in different currency than euro (3)
(3) Conversion fee is added to the VISA applied currency exchange rate in case the transaction currency is not Euros.
Visa Gold
Other services
EUR 1.50
Issuing of a copy of the receipt at customer‘s request in case of a local payment
EUR 25
Issuance of copy of the receipt for a transaction
Visa Gold
Other services
Issuing of a copy of the receipt at customer‘s request in case of a foreign payment
EUR 25
Issuance of copy of the receipt for a transaction
Visa Gold
Other services
- 18%
Annual interest on unauthorized debit balance
Visa Gold
Luminor Visa Infinite
Ordering and Delivering
EUR 10
Delivering the card:
- to branch or to abroad
No change in fee
Delivering the card:
- by post to address abroad
- to the Customer Service Center (1)
(1) The fee is not applicable if the Customer pays the fee for an express issuing of the Card.
Luminor Visa Infinite
Ordering and Delivering
Replacing the card:
- extra fee for express issuing
Replacing the card:
- additional fee for express issuing (2)
(2) If the card is ordered on a business day by 12:00 AM, it will be delivered to Customer Service Center on the second business day after ordering.
Luminor Visa Infinite
Payments and cash
Conversion fee for paying in different currency than euro
No change in fee
Conversion fee for paying in different currency than euro (3)
Customer Service Center on the second business day after ordering.
(3) Conversion fee is added to the VISA applied currency exchange rate in case the transaction currency is not Euros.
Luminor Visa Infinite
Payments and cash
0.40% of the amount (min. €0.80)
- at Luminor's partner POS
No change in fee
- Perlas POS terminals (4)
(4) In PERLAS terminals based on the list provided here. The service is provided by UAB "Perlas Finance".
Luminor Visa Infinite
Payments and cash
- at Luminor's partner POS
No change in fee price
- Perlas POS terminals (4)
(4) In PERLAS terminals based on the list provided here. The service is provided by UAB "Perlas Finance".
Luminor Visa Infinite
Payments and cash
-EUR 0.50
Balance enquiry
- from Luminor ATMs
- from other ATMs
No change in fee name
Luminor Visa Infinite
According to payments pricelist
Transfer from card's credit limit account
Luminor Visa Infinite
Other services
EUR 25
Fee per transaction for processing an unsubstantiated claim if the cardholder has provided false information to the Bank that is endorsed by a third party
Luminor Black
Payments and cash
EUR 0.50
Balance enquiry
- from Luminor ATMs
- from other ATMs
No change in fee name
Priority Pass
Card issuance / renewal
EUR 15
Card issuance fee*
Cards issued when account no. begins with LTXX40100.
* The fee does not apply to Infinite card holders.
No change in fee
Card issuance fee
Priority Pass
Card issuance / renewal
Collecting the card at the bank's unit
EUR 10
Delivering the card:
- to the Customer Service Center
Priority Pass
Card issuance / renewal
Card sending by mail abroad
EUR 10
Delivering the card
- by post to address abroad
Priority Pass
Card issuance / renewal
EUR 24
Airport VIP lounge enter fee per person (valid till 2018 12 11)
Mastercard Debit   -
Mastercard Credit   -
Mastercard Gold   -
PINS Mastercard   -
Mastercard Platinum   -
Visa Electron UP  (From 2016 11 01 are not issued)   -
Visa Electron (From 2015 10 15 are not issued)   -
Visa Classic UP  (From 2016 11 01 are not issued)   -
Virtual ERA (Master Card) (From 2015 10 15 are not issued)   -
Maestro   -
IKI PREMIJA Maestro   -
Mastercard Standard   -
Mastercard consumer credit card   -

Banking packages

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Basic payment account service EUR 1.50 per month*
Monthly fee
*In case at least 15 payments are made with the payment card linked to the banking package during a calendar month from the effective date of the package, the fee of EUR 1 is applied.
EUR 1.52
No change in fee name
Basic payment account service  
EUR 1.52
Monthly fee for senior customers (65 years of age or older)
Basic payment account service - EUR 1.52
Monthly fee for young customers (up to 21 years old)
Basic payment account service +
Internet bank login tool**
Internet bank login tool: Smart-ID
Code generator may be issued free of charge, if customer does not have a smart device or requests code generator instead of Smart-ID.
In case bank has no technical capability to issue Smart-ID, code generator will be issued free of charge.
No change in fee
Internet bank login tool (4)
(4) Internet bank login tool: Smart-ID. Code generator may be issued free of charge for Basic payment account service users, if customer does not have a smart device and is not able to use Smart-ID.
Basic payment account service +
Unlimited online transfer in euro to EEA countries
10 payments
Online payments in Euros to accounts within Luminor Lithuania and Single Euro Payments Area member states (5)
(5) Including payments for services, shopping at e-stores and payment of all-type e-invoices.
Basic payment account service up to €550 per month
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATM‘s in Baltics without charge****
****The specified withdrawal amount is applied to all cards linked to the banking package to cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries and SEB ATMs in Lithuania.
Up to €600 per month (7)
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATM‘s in Baltics without charge: (6)
- Debit Card
(6) The total withdrawal amount is applied to all cards linked to the banking package to cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries.
(7) For Basic payment account service users the feefree withdrawal limit is only applicable at Luminor ATMs.
Basic payment account service 0.40% of the amount (min. €0.40)
Fee charged in the case of exceeding the feefree withdrawal limit
0.20% of the amount (min. €0.40)
Fee charged in the case of exceeding the feefree withdrawal limit:
- Debit card
Basic payment account service - 2% of the sum (min. €3)
Cash withdrawal from other ATMs in Baltics and abroad:
- Debit card
Basic payment account service Footnotes:
Maintenance of accounts at the bank covers maintenance of accounts that begin with the same number, i.e. LTXX40100 or LTXX21400.
Standard Banking Package
Daily package
EUR 1.50 per month*
Mothly fee
No change in fee name
Standard Banking Package
Daily package
- EUR 1.06
Monthly fee for senir customers (65 years of age or older)
Standard Banking Package
Daily package
- Free
Monthly fee for young customers (up to 21 years old)
Standard Banking Package
Daily package
Login code (password) generator
Standard Banking Package
Daily package
Unlimited online transfer in euro to EEA countries
Online payments in Euros to accounts within Luminor Lithuania and Single Euro Payments Area member states (3)
(3) Including payments for services, shopping at e-stores and payment of all-type e-invoices.
Standard Banking Package
Daily package
Unlimited cash-in operations at Luminor ATMs in Lithuania
- Free up to €2000 per calendar month, 0.20% of the sum exceeding €2000
Cash-in operations at Luminor ATMs in Lithuania:
- Debit Card
Standard Banking Package
Daily package
up to €550 per month
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATM‘s in Baltics without charge****
****The total withdrawal amount is applied to all cards linked to the banking package to cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries and SEB ATMs in Lithuania. Cash withdrawal cannot exceed the overall daily limit set to a particular payment card.
up to €600 per month
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATM‘s in Baltics without charge: (6)
- Debit Card
(6) The total withdrawal amount is applied to all cards linked to the banking package to cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries.
Standard Banking Package
Daily package
0.40% of the amount (min. €0.40)
Fee charged in the case of exceeding the fee-free withdrawal limit
0.20% of the amount (min. €0.40)
Fee charged in the case of exceeding the feefree withdrawal limit:
- Debit card
Standard Banking Package
Daily package
- 2% of the sum (min. €3)
Cash withdrawal from other ATMs in Baltics and abroad:
- Debit card
Standard Banking Package
Daily package
Maintenance of accounts at the bank covers maintenance of accounts that begin with the same number, i.e. LTXX40100 or LTXX21400.
Standard Banking Package
Black package
Monthly fee
EUR 5.50
No change in fee name
Standard Banking Package
Black package
Monthly fee for senior customers (65 years of age or older)
EUR 5.50
No change in fee name
Standard Banking Package
Black package
Monthly fee for young customers (up to 21 years old)
EUR 5.50
No change in fee name
Standard Banking Package
Black package
Cash-in operations at Luminor ATMs in Lithuania:
- Debit Card
- Free up to EUR 2000 per calendar month, 0.20% of the sum exceeding EUR 2000
No change in fee name
Standard Banking Package
Black package
0.40% of the amount (min. €0.40)
Fee charged in the case of exceeding the feefree withdrawal limit:
- Debit card
0.20% of the amount (min. EUR 0.40)
No change in fee name
No longer issued packages
Active package
valid when account no. begins with LTXX40100
Login code (password) generator
No longer issued packages
Active package
Unlimited cash-in operations at Luminor ATMs in Lithuania
- Free up to EUR 2000 per calendar month, 0.20% of the sum exceeding EUR 2000
- Free up to EUR 600 per calendar month, 2% of the sum exceeding EUR 600
Cash-in operations at Luminor ATMs in Lithuania:
- Debit Card
- Credit Card
No longer issued packages
Active package
up to €1.500 per month
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATM‘s in Baltics without charge****
****The total withdrawal amount is applied to all cards linked to the banking package to cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries and SEB ATMs in Lithuania. Cash withdrawal cannot exceed the overall daily limit set to a particular payment card.
- Up to EUR 600 per month
- Up to EUR 600 per month
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATM‘s in Baltics without charge: (4)
- Debit Card
- Credit Card
(4) The total withdrawal amount is applied to all cards linked to the banking package to cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries.
No longer issued packages
Active package
0.40% of the amount (min. €0.40)
Fee charged in the case of exceeding the fee-free withdrawal limit
- 0.20% of the amount (min. EUR 0.40)
- 2% of the amount
Fee charged in the case of exceeding the feefree withdrawal limit:
- Debit card
- Credit Card Card
No longer issued packages
Active package
  - 2% of the sum (min. EUR 3)
- 2% of the sum (min. EUR 3)
Cash withdrawal from other ATMs in Baltics and abroad:
- Debit card
- Credit Card
No longer issued packages
Active package
Maintenance of accounts at the bank covers maintenance of accounts that begin with the same number, i.e. LTXX40100 or LTXX21400.
No longer issued packages
Gold package
valid when account no. begins with LTXX40100
Credit Card
Visa Classic; Visa Gold
Credit card
No longer issued packages
Gold package
valid when account no. begins with LTXX40100
Login code (password) generator
No longer issued packages
Gold package
Unlimited cash-in operations at Luminor ATMs in Lithuania
- Free up to EUR 2000 per calendar month, 0.20% of the sum exceeding EUR 2000
- Free up to EUR 600 per calendar month, 2% of the sum exceeding EUR 600
Cash-in operations at Luminor ATMs in Lithuania:
- Debit Card
- Credit Card
No longer issued packages
Gold package
up to €15.000 per month
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATM‘s in Baltics without charge****
****The total withdrawal amount is applied to all cards linked to the banking package to cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries and SEB ATMs in Lithuania. Cash withdrawal cannot exceed the overall daily limit set to a particular payment card.
- Up to EUR 600 per month
- Up to EUR 600 per month
Cash withdrawal at Luminor ATM‘s in Baltics without charge: (4)
- Debit Card
- Credit Card
(4) The total withdrawal amount is applied to all cards linked to the banking package to cash withdrawal from Luminor ATMs in Baltic countries.
No longer issued packages
Gold package
Fee charged in the case of exceeding the fee-free withdrawal limit
- 0.20% of the amount (min. EUR 0.40)
- 2% of the amount
Fee charged in the case of exceeding the feefree withdrawal limit:
- Debit card
- Credit Card
No longer issued packages
Gold package
- - 2% of the sum (min. EUR 3)
- 2% of the sum (min. EUR 3)
Cash withdrawal from other ATMs in Baltics and abroad:
- Debit card
- Credit Card
No longer issued packages
Gold package
Maintenance of accounts at the bank covers maintenance of accounts that begin with the same number, i.e. LTXX40100 or LTXX21400.
Youth banking packages   -
Senior banking package   -
Private Banking Package   -


Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Minimum service charge
Maintenance of bank accounts*
*Customers pay a separate minimum service fee for accounts with numbers beginning LTXX40100 and a separate minimum service fee for accounts with numbers beginning LTXX21400.
No minimum service fee is applied to accounts with numbers beginning the same and to accounts linked to a banking package.
The minimum service charge is applied for a calendar month irrespective of the booking date. The fee is deducted by the 6th day of the next month.
Payments and credit transfers should comply with SEPA requirements, i.e. Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch SWIFT (BIC) code(when account number begins with LTXX40100, BIC is AGBLLT2X, when account number begins with LTXX21400, BIC is NDEALT2X) and the beneficiary’s account number in IBAN format have to be specified correctly.
No change in fee
Bank account maintenance (1)
(1) No minimum service fee is applied to accounts linked to a banking package. The minimum service charge is applied for a calendar month irrespective of the booking date. The fee is deducted by the 6th day of the next month.
Payments and credit transfers should comply with SEPA requirements, i.e. Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch SWIFT (BIC) code (AGBLLT2X) and the beneficiary’s account number in IBAN format have to be specified correctly.
Minimum service charge
Internet bank login tool***
When account no. begins with LTXX40100: **Internet bank login tool: PIN, TAN Codes.
***Usage of code cards is not available from 10.09.2019
When account no. begins with LTXX21400: **Internet bank login tool: Nordea Codes App.
No change in fee
Internet bank login tool (2)
(2) Internet bank login tool: Smart-ID.
Minimum service charge
Transfers within bank are transfers to bank accounts with the same number pattern. Transfers in other currencies to bank accounts that follow LTXX40100 pattern are subject to the conditions set out for transfers in other currencies to other banks.
Transfers within bank are transfers to bank accounts with the same number pattern. Transfers in other currencies to bank accounts that follow LTXX21400 pattern are subject to the conditions set out for transfers in other currencies to other banks.
Limited usage account service
Account maintenance
EUR 100
Account opening to non-EU residents*
*The fee for verification before making a decision to enter into business relations with persons who are not domiciled in the European Union. The fee is applied irrespective of whether the account was opened.
EUR 200
Fee for verification of documents for an account opening for customers who are not legal residents (1) of EU, EEA or Swiss Confederation.
(1) A natural person who has the right to reside in a member state of EU, EEA or Swiss Confederation by virtue of EU or national law, including a natural person who has acquired asylum seeker, refugee or alternative status.
Account maintenance
Part of service kit
Account maintenance
Account maintenance
On agreed basis
Statements of account
Issuing of account statements for the current month
Statements of account
At the bank -  EUR 5 per month, max. EUR 25
Issuing of account statements for period indicated by a customer
At the Customer Service Center - EUR 5 per month
No change in fee name

Other services

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Other services
Bank statements
EUR 15
Other Bank statements
No change in fee
Non-standard references
Other services
Copies of documents/ mailing
EUR 0.80 per one page not less than EUR 1.45
By post in Lithuania regular
EUR 0.80 per one page + post costs EUR 5
No change in fee name
Other services
Copies of documents/ mailing
EUR 0.80 per one page not less than EUR 3
By post in Lithuania registered
EUR 0.80 per one page + post costs EUR 5
No change in fee name
Other services
Copies of documents/ mailing
EUR 0.80 per one page not less than EUR 6
By post to foreign countries
EUR 0.80 per one page + post costs EUR 10
No change in fee name

Savings and Pension funds

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Deposits - Free
First payment from Savings Account to own current account within a calendar month (1)
(1) If a depositor has more than one Savings Account, only one payment per month for all the Savings Account is free.
Deposits - 0.2% of the amount, min. EUR 0.29
Second and following payment from any Savings Account to own current account
Deposits - Footnote:
Annual Interest Rates on Deposits can be found here
Interest rates   -

Digital channels

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Digital channels Free of charge
System log-in
Digital channels Free of charge
Account handling via Luminor internet bank
Digital channels Free of charge
Email messages about account changing
Digital channels
Internet bank maintenance (when account no. begins with LTXX21400)
Digital channels
SMS service

Loans and Leasing

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 07 15
Consumer loan, Car loan
To sign a loan agreement you need to have a payment account in Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch. Information on charges and commission fees related to the opening and use of the payment account is available here.

The total cost of consumer loan APR calculating example:
If you receive a EUR 3 000 loan over a 5 year period, the total amount of your payment is EUR 4 178.88, monthly payment EUR 67.41, and the total annual percentage rate 14.79%. These calculations are carried out under the following assumptions: annual interest rate – 12.0%, the loan is repaid with annuity method, the loan agreement fee is EUR 60, minimum banking package fee EUR 1.5 per month
You need a payment account in Luminor to conclude a loan agreement. Information on charges and commission fees related to the opening and use of the payment account is available here.

The total cost of consumer loan APR (annual percentage rate) calculating example:
If you receive a EUR 3 000 loan over a 5 year period, the total amount of your payment is EUR 4 124, monthly payment EUR 66.73, and the total annual percentage rate 14.43%. These calculations are carried out under the following assumptions: annual interest rate – 12%, the loan is repaid with annuity method, the loan agreement fee is EUR 60, minimum banking package fee EUR 1 per month.
Housing loan, Idea loan (Loan with collateral)
EUR 200
Agreement amendment fee (1)
(1) For example, changes in payment schedule, collateral composition, loan issuance conditions, loan currency etc.
No change in fee
No change in fee name
(1) For example, changes in payment schedule (excluding change of loan monthly repayment date), collateral composition, loan issuance conditions, loan currency etc. Agreement amendment fee for Private Banking customers is  0.5% of the current loan balance, min. EUR 200.
Housing loan, Idea loan (Loan with collateral)
The fee (compensation of Bank's losses occurred due to early credit repayment) is calculated according to the formula. ** If in loan agreement fee value has been set, it is calculated in accordance with credit agreement
Early loan repayment if interest rate is fixed for longer than 12-month term
The fee is calculated according to the formula (2) if the fee is not set in credit agreement
No change in fee name
Housing loan, Idea loan (Loan with collateral)
Bank’s consent related to the property pledged to the Bank
No change in fee
Bank's approvals to state institutions and consents related to the property encumbered in favor of the Bank
Credit limit to payment card
EUR 10
The fee for the increased credit limit
Credit limit to payment card
EUR 10
The fee for rescheduling the credit limit repayment
Credit limit to payment card
Free of charge
Up-front fee
Overdraft (new overdrafts are not issued)
1% from credit amount, but not less than EUR 30
Up-front fee
Leasing services fees
- From 0.70% of the purchase cost, min. €150
Agreement execution fee


Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Outgoing payments in Euros
Internal payments
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: Part of service kit
To one's own bank account within the bank
At Customer Service Center: No change in fee
Via Digital Channels: Free
To one's own account within Luminor Lithuania
Outgoing payments in Euros
Internal payments
At the bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: Part of service kit
To other beneficiary’s account within the bank
At Customer Service Center: No change in fee
Via Digital Channels: Eur 0.29
To other's account within Luminor Lithuania
Outgoing payments in Euros
Internal payments
At the bank: N/A
Via Internet bank: EUR 25
Extra urgent payment, when the payer's account no. begins with LTXX40100 and the beneficiary's account no. begins with LTXX21400
Outgoing payments in Euros
Internal payments
At the bank: N/A
Via Internet bank: EUR 25
Urgent payment, when the payer's account no. begins with LTXX21400 and the beneficiary's account no. begins with LTXX40100
Outgoing payments in Euros
Internal payments
At the bank: -
Via Internet bank: Part of service kit
To the beneficiary account under a payment order for goods/services given via e commerce system within the bank
Outgoing payments in Euros
Payments to European countries
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: Part of service kit
Standard payment to EEA countries
At Customer Service Center: No change in fee price
Via Digital Channels: EUR 0.40
Euro payments (1)
(1) Payments to Lithuania and Single Euro Payments Area member states. Full list of countries can be found on the European Central Banks' webpage.
Outgoing payments in Euros
Payments to European countries
At the Bank: N/A
Via Internet bank: EUR 25
Extra urgent payment to EEA countries, when the payer's account no. begins with LTXX40100, and urgent payment to EEA countries, when the payer's account no. begins with LTXX21400
At Customer Service Center: Not available
Via Digital Channels: EUR 25
Urgent Euro payments (2)
(2) Urgent payments to EEA member states. The full list of countries can be found here.
Transfer in euros
Fees apply for transfers in euro to other payment service providers registered in Lithuania, other European Union (EU) countries, Switzerland and the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) - Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
Service kit: minimum service charge or a selected banking package.
Transferring the account balance under the account transfer agreement is charged a standard fee for transfers into the EEA countries at the bank’s unit.
Outgoing payments in other currencies Internal payments
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: Part of service kit
to own/other beneficiary's bank account when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow the same pattern: both accounts start with LTXX40100 or LTXX21400
At the Customer Service Center: No change in fee
Via Digital Channels: Free
To one's own account within Luminor Lithuania
Outgoing payments in other currencies Internal payments
At the Bank: N/A
Via Internet bank: Fees applied for Payment in other currency to other banks
to own/other beneficiary's bank account when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. folow different patterns: one begins with LTXX21400, and the other with LTXX40100
At the Customer Service Center: EUR 5
Via Digital Channels: EUR 0.29
To other's account within Luminor Lithuania
Transfer in other currency within Luminor group banks and partner banks
At the Bank: N/A
Via Internet bank: EUR 11
Transfers to Luminor group banks and partner banks*
The fee is charged on money transfers processed in the specified currencies with the beneficiary’s bank BIC code specified and account number indicated in IBAN format, transfer fees shared with the beneficiary (SHA).
*Luminor group banks and partner banks: - When payer account no. begins with LTXX40100 and the transfer is in USD, NOK, PLN currencies: Luminor Bank AS Latvian Branch (BIC: RIKOLV2X), when beneficiary's account no. begins with LVXXRIKO; Luminor Bank AS, Estonia (BIC: RIKOEE22), when beneficiary's account no. begins with EEXX96; DNB Bank ASA, Norway (BIC:DNBANOKK); Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale, Germany (BIC:NOLADE2H); Bank DNB Polska S.A., Poland (BIC: MHBFPLPW).
- When payer account no. begins with LTXX21400 and the transfer is in DKK, GBP, NOK, SEK, RUB, USD currencies: Nordea Bank AB, with all its subsidiaries and branches; Luminor Bank AS, Latvian Branch (BIC: NDEALV2X), when beneficiary's account no. begins with LVXXNDEA; Luminor Bank AS, Estonia (BIC: NDEAEE2X), when beneficiary's account no. begins with EEXX1700017.
Transfer in other currency
Incoming payments
In other currencies within the bank, when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow the same pattern: both accounts start with LTXX40100 or LTXX21400
Transfer in other currency
Incoming payments
EUR 10
In other currencies within the bank, when the payer's and beneficiary's account no. follow different patterns: one begins with LTXX21400, and the other begins with LTXX40100
Transfer in other currency
Incoming payments
In other currencies from Luminor group banks and partner banks*
*Luminor group banks and partner banks: - When account no. begins with LTXX40100 and the transfer is in USD, NOK, PLN currencies: Luminor Bank AS Latvian Branch (BIC: RIKOLV2X), when beneficiary's account no. begins with LVXXRIKO; Luminor Bank AS, Estonia (BIC: RIKOEE22), when beneficiary's account no. begins with EEXX96; DNB Bank ASA, Norway (BIC:DNBANOKK); Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale, Germany (BIC:NOLADE2H); Bank DNB Polska S.A., Poland (BIC: MHBFPLPW).
- When account no. begins with LTXX21400 and the transfer is in DKK, GBP, NOK, SEK, RUB, USD currencies: Nordea Bank AB, with all its subsidiaries and branches; Luminor Bank AS, Latvian Branch (BIC: NDEALV2X), when beneficiary's account no. begins with LVXXNDEA; Luminor Bank AS, Estonia (BIC: NDEAEE2X), when beneficiary's account no. begins with EEXX1700017.
Incoming payments Part of service kit
When funds are transferred in euros from other payment service providers registered in EEA countries*
Service kit: minimum service charge or the selected banking package.
*when comply with SEPA requirements, i.e.Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch SWIFT (BIC) code(when account number begins with LTXX40100, BIC is AGBLLT2X, when account number begins with LTXX21400, BIC is NDEALT2X), the beneficiary’s account number is in IBAN format, and the payer and the beneficiary each pay the transfer charges (SHA).
Payments received from the Single Euro Payments Area member states in Euros (1)
(1) Payments from Single Euro Payments Area member states and compliant with SEPA requirements. Full list of countries can be found on the European Central Banks' webpage here
Incoming payments EUR 10
In other currencies from banks registered in Lithuania or in other cases from foreign banks
EUR 10
Incoming SHA payments (2)
(2) SHA – the beneficiary pays fees of Luminor Bank and intermediary banks. Intermediary bank fees are deducted from the transferred amount.
Incoming payments - Free
Incoming OUR payments (3)
(3) OUR – no fees are applied by Luminor Bank. However, additional charges may be deducted by intermediary banks from the transferred amount
Other payment services
Other services related to payments
Cancelation or clarification of a transfer in euros to non-EEA countries if it is not sent from the Bank
EUR 10
Cancellation or investigation request of a payment if it is not sent from the Bank
Other payment services
Other services related to payments
€40 + foreign bank fee €60
Cancelation or clarification of a transfer in euros to non-EEA countries if it is sent from the Bank
€40 + extra costs (3)
Cancellation or investigation request of a payment if it is sent from the Bank
(3) Extra costs - commission, determined by correspondent bank and/or beneficiary bank apart from the Bank for payment order investigation or correction.
Other payment services
Other services related to payments
EUR 30 + foreign bank fee EUR 40
Ordering of information on accounts and transactions from a foreign bank at the customer's request
Other payment services
Other services related to payments
EUR 25
Processing a returned payment**
**Foreign bank’s fee is applied when the beneficiary’s bank or the correspondent bank refunds the amounts due to the reasons beyond the control of the sender’s bank.
Other payment services
Other services related to payments
Confirmation of submitted payment document at the bank
Payment transaction printout and confirmation
Foreign exchange
Other payment services
Standing orders
At the Bank: Free
Via Internet bank: Free
Applying for or cancelling of einvoice automated payment
At the Customer Service Center: EUR 5
Via Digital Channels: No change in fee
Registration of E-invoice standing order
Other payment services
Standing orders
At the Bank: Free
Via Internet bank: Free
Change of e-invoice automated payment conditions
At the Customer Service Center: EUR 5
Via Digital Channels: No change in fee
Amendment and cancellation
Other payment services
Standing orders
Part of service kit
Standing orders execution*
When account no. begins with LTXX40100: *Standing orders in euros, when the agreement is signed at the bank’s unit, executed within the bank or in other banks registered in Lithuania.
When account no. begins with LTXX21400: *Standing orders in euros within the EEA.
At the Customer Service Center: Not available
Via Digital Channels: According to the payments price list
Standing order payment
Other payment services
Standing orders
At the Bank: Free
Via Internet bank: Part of service kit
E-invoice automated payment
At the Customer Service Center: Not available
Via Digital Channels: Free
E-invoice standing order payment
Other payment services
Standing orders
E-invoice receipt
Other payment services
Standing orders
At the Bank: EUR 5
Via Internet bank: Part of service kit
E-invoice one-off payment under a filled out payment form
Payments for services


Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Investment services
Investing in securities
0.20% of the transaction value multiplied by the maturity of debt securities in years, max. 2% of the transaction value, min. EUR 30
When Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch acts as a counterparty
Up to 2% of Sale price, min. EUR 50
Investing in debt securities in Internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
0.20% of the transaction value multiplied by the maturity of debt securities in years, max. 2% of the transaction value, min. EUR 50
When Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch deals with other financial counterparties
Up to 2% of Sale price, min. EUR 50
Investing in debt securities in Internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
For trade and/or safekeeping of financial instruments (FI) you need to have a payment account with Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch. You can open a payment account separately. Information on charges and commission fee related to the opening and use of the payment account is available here.
Investment services
Investing in securities
Sale in secondary market*
*From the nominal value is applied by Nordea Bank AB (publ) (this fee is included in the price).
0.20% from Sale price
Sale of index linked bond in secondary market (fee is included into bond price)
Investment services
Investing in securities
0.50% of the amount, min. EUR 35 or min. USD 40
Trading in exchange-traded funds (ETF)
0.50% of Trade amount (min. EUR 50 / min. 65 USD)
Purchasing and selling stocks/ETF in internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
1% of the amount
Subscription of equity and mixed investment funds and regular investment fee
1% of  Trade amount (min. EUR 1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
0.40% of the amount
Subscription of bond investment funds and regular investment fee
1% of  Trade amount (min. EUR 1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
0.20% of the amount
Subscription of money market investment funds and regular investment fee
1% of  Trade amount (min. EUR1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
1% of the amount
Transaction fee for transfer (sale) of equity and mixed investment fund units
1% of  Trade amount (min. EUR 1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
0.40% of the amount
Transaction fee for transfer (sale) of bond investment fund units
1 % of  Trade amount (min. EUR 1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
0.25% of the amount
Transaction fee for transfer (sale) of money market investment fund units
1 % of  Trade amount (min. EUR 1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Trading in other investment funds
EUR 3.20 per transaction
Switch fee between Nordea investment funds
Trading in other investment funds
Only for Nordea investment funds:
No minimum purchase fee is applied to Nordea funds.
Minimum fee for debiting Nordea funds from the financial instruments account is EUR 1.
Minimum invested amount – EUR 1,000 or an equivalent in other currencies.
Minimum invested amount for Nordea funds online – EUR 50 or an equivalent in other currencies.
Periodic investment is only possible with Nordea funds. Minimum amount – EUR 50. No minimal subscription fee is charged to periodic investments.
Other investment funds conditions:
A minimum commission fee of EUR 15 / USD 20 (in case the payment transfer is submitted in US dollars) is applied for removal from account
Investment services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.04% of the amount (min. EUR 1)
Securities with ISIN codes starting with US, GB, IE, DE, AT, FR, ES, BE, NL, LU, NO, SE, DK, EU:
0.04% of the value of securities (min.  EUR 1.50)
Securities with ISIN codes starting with US, GB, IE, DE, AT, FR, ES, BE, NL, LU, FI, NO, SE, DK, EU:
Investment services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.025% of the amount (min. EUR 1)
Securities with ISIN code starting with XS:
0.03% of of the value of securities (min. EUR 1.50)
No change in fee name
Investment services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.1% of the amount (min. EUR 1)
Other securities
0.1% of of the value of securities (min. EUR 1.50)
No change in fee name
Investment services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
Nordea investment funds
0.04% of of the value of securities (min. EUR 1.50)
Nordea Asset Management investment funds
Investment services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.01% of the amount, min. EUR 0.50 per month
Custody fee (monthly payment)
0.01% of the total account value
Monthly custody fee for securities in Luminor Investor and Luminor Trade (1)
(1) Custody fee is calculated separately for equities, bonds and mutual funds. EUR 0.50 per month minimum fee is applied for mutual funds asset class. No minimum fee is applied for equities and bonds. The custody fee will be calculated daily using the end of day portfolio values and charged on a monthly basis (excluding VAT where applicable). For any currency conversions to EUR, our partner SAXO bank uses market spot exchange rate adding 0.5% margin on top. A spot exchange rate is the current price level in the market to directly exchange one currency for another, for delivery on the earliest possible value date which is provided by most Electronic Communication Network (ECN) brokers (e.g. Reuters).
Investment services
Luminor Trade platform
Investment services
Investing in securities
- Mutual funds trading commissions: (1)
(1) Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch receives inducements (commission) from investments fund managers for the distribution of investment fund units to the clients. The rates of commission received differ by investment fund. For further information on the inducements received and paid by Luminor Bank AS please refer to the document „General Information on Inducements“ available on the website of the Bank at the address
Investment services
Investing in securities
- 1 % of Trade amount (min. €15 / USD 20)
Investing in mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services
Investing in securities
- Fee is applied according to the service provider pricelist
Interest for negative cash balance in Luminor Investor and Luminor Trade platforms
Investment services
Investing in securities
Free of charge
Exchange Data Subscription*
*For clients who trade equities and subscribe to real time market data, Luminor Bank has introduced a refund scheme where fees are refunded. Read more about subscribing to Exchange Data Subscription.
Fee is applied according to the service provider pricelist
Subscription for real time data
Investment services
Investing in securities
35 USD, fee is applied according the GlobeTax, "Relief at source" service pricelist
US income double taxation avoidance service***
Investment services
Investing in securities
The fee is applied according to the "Tax reclaim Service for beneficial Owners" pricelist
Tax Reclaim Service for Beneficial Owners***
Investment services
Investing in securities
2 EUR/ 2,70 USD / 1,70 GBP / 17 NOK / 18 SEK / 9 PLN
Cash transfer from Luminor Investor account
2 EUR/ 2,70 USD / 1,70 GBP / 17 NOK / 18 SEK / 15 DKK
Cash transfer from Luminor Investor and Luminor Trade account

Investments (For Private Banking customers)

Product name in price list Fee and name currently Fee and name starting from 2020 09 01
Investment and ancillary services for private banking customers
Equity trading
0.30% of the amount (min. EUR 15)
Equity trading in other markets**
**Other markets - Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Canada, UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Poland, Singapore.
Investment and ancillary services for private banking customers
Equity trading
0.30% of the amount (min. USD 40)
Equity trading in USA
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
0.20% of the transaction value multiplied by the maturity of debt securities in years, max. 2% of the transaction value, min. EUR 30
When Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch acts as a counterparty
Up to 2% of Sale price, min. EUR 50
Investing in debt securities in Internet bank
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
0.20% of the transaction value multiplied by the maturity of debt securities in years, max. 2% of the transaction value, min. EUR 50
When Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch deals with other financial counterparties
Up to 2% of Sale price, min. EUR 50
Investing in debt securities in Internet bank
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
Sale in secondary market*
*From the nominal value is applied by Nordea Bank AB (publ) (this fee is included in the price).
0.20% from Sale price
Sale of index linked bond in secondary market (fee is included into bond price)
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
0.50% of the amount, min. EUR 35 or min. USD 40
Trading in exchange-traded funds (ETF)
0.50% of Trade amount (min. EUR 50 / min. 65 USD)
Purchasing and selling stocks/ETF in internet bank
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
0.8% of the amount*
Subscription and conversion of equity and mixed investment funds and regular investment fee
*A minimum commission fee of EUR 15 / USD 20 (in case the payment transfer is submitted in US dollars) is applied for subscription and also removal from account.
1 % of  Trade amount (min. EUR 1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
0.40% of the amount*
Subscription and conversion of bond investment funds and regular investment fee
*A minimum commission fee of EUR 15 / USD 20 (in case the payment transfer is submitted in US dollars) is applied for subscription and also removal from account.
1 % of  Trade amount (min. EUR 1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
0.20% of the amount*
Subscription of money market investment funds and regular investment fee
*A minimum commission fee of EUR 15 / USD 20 (in case the payment transfer is submitted in US dollars) is applied for subscription and also removal from account.
1 % of  Trade amount (min. EUR1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
0.8% of the amount*
Transaction fee for transfer (sale) of equity and mixed investment fund units
*A minimum commission fee of EUR 15 / USD 20 (in case the payment transfer is submitted in US dollars) is applied for subscription and also removal from account.
1 % of  Trade amount (min. EUR 1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
0.40% of the amount*
Transaction fee for transfer (sale) of bond investment fund units
*A minimum commission fee of EUR 15 / USD 20 (in case the payment transfer is submitted in US dollars) is applied for subscription and also removal from account.
1 % of  Trade amount (min. EUR 1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
Transaction fee for transfer (sale) of money market investment fund units (also for conversion)
1 % of  Trade amount (min. EUR 1 / 1.30 USD)
Investing in Nordea Asset Management mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Trading in other investment funds
Minimum invested amount – EUR 1,000 or an equivalent in other currencies.
Minimum invested amount for Nordea funds online – EUR 50 or an equivalent in other currencies.
Periodic investment is only possible with Nordea funds. Minimum amount – EUR 50. No minimal subscription fee is charged to periodic investments.
Investment services for private banking customers
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.04% of the amount (min. EUR 1)
Securities with ISIN codes starting with US, GB, IE, DE, AT, FR, ES, BE, NL, LU, NO, SE, DK, EU:
0.04% of the value of securities (min.  EUR 1.50)
Securities with ISIN codes starting with US, GB, IE, DE, AT, FR, ES, BE, NL, LU, FI, NO, SE, DK, EU:
Investment services for private banking customers
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.025% of the amount (min. EUR 1)
Securities with ISIN code starting with XS:
0.03% of of the value of securities (min. EUR 1.50)
No change in fee name
Investment services for private banking customers
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.1% of the amount (min. EUR 1)
Other securities
0.1% of of the value of securities (min. EUR 1.50)
No change in fee name
Investment services for private banking customers
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
Nordea investment funds
0.04% of of the value of securities (min. EUR 1.50)
No change in fee name
Investment services for private banking customers
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.01% of the amount, min. EUR 0.50 per month
Custody fee (monthly payment)
0.01% of the total account value
Monthly custody fee for securities in Luminor Investor and Luminor Trade (1)
(1) Custody fee is calculated separately for equities, bonds and mutual funds. EUR 0.50 per month minimum fee is applied for mutual funds asset class. No minimum fee is applied for equities and bonds. The custody fee will be calculated daily using the end of day portfolio values and charged on a monthly basis (excluding VAT where applicable). For any currency conversions to EUR, our partner SAXO bank uses market spot exchange rate adding 0.5% margin on top. A spot exchange rate is the current price level in the market to directly exchange one currency for another, for delivery on the earliest possible value date which is provided by most Electronic Communication Network (ECN) brokers (e.g. Reuters).
Investment services for private banking customers
Luminor Trade platform
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
- 0.19% (min. EUR 1.50)
Purchasing and selling equities at stock exchanges of the Baltic states
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
- Mutual funds trading commissions: (1)
(1) Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch receives inducements (commission) from investments fund managers for the distribution of investment fund units to the clients. The rates of commission received differ by investment fund. For further information on the inducements received and paid by Luminor Bank AS please refer to the document „General Information on Inducements“ available on the website of the Bank at the address
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
- 1 % of Trade amount (min. €15 / USD 20)
Investing in mutual funds in Luminor Internet bank
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
- Fee is applied according to the service provider pricelist
Interest for negative cash balance in Luminor Investor and Luminor Trade platforms
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
Free of charge
Exchange Data Subscription*
*For clients who trade equities and subscribe to real time market data, Luminor Bank has introduced a refund scheme where fees are refunded. Read more about subscribing to Exchange Data Subscription.
Fee is applied according to the service provider pricelist
Subscription for real time data
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
35 USD, fee is applied according the GlobeTax, "Relief at source" service pricelist
US income double taxation avoidance service***
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
The fee is applied according to the "Tax reclaim Service for beneficial Owners" pricelist
Tax Reclaim Service for Beneficial Owners***
Investment services for private banking customers
Investing in securities
2 EUR/ 2,70 USD / 1,70 GBP / 17 NOK / 18 SEK / 9 PLN
Cash transfer from Luminor Investor account
2 EUR/ 2,70 USD / 1,70 GBP / 17 NOK / 18 SEK / 15 DKK
Cash transfer from Luminor Investor and Luminor Trade account
Investment services for private banking customers
Discretionary portfolio management
0.01% of the amount, but not less than EUR 0.50 per month
Custody fee
No change in fee
Custody fee (1)
(1) The custody fee will be calculated daily using the end of day portfolio values and charged on a monthly basis (excluding VAT where applicable). For any currency conversions to EUR, our partner SAXO bank uses market spot exchange rate adding 0.5% margin on top. A spot exchange rate is the current price level in the market to directly exchange one currency for another, for delivery on the earliest possible value date which is provided by most Electronic Communication Network (ECN) brokers (e.g. Reuters).
Investment services for private banking customers
Discretionary portfolio management
Free of charge
Exchange Data Subscription
Fee is applied according to the service provider pricelist
Subscription for real time data
Investment services for private banking customers
Discretionary portfolio management
USD 90
Annual withholding tax on income earned in USA*
No change in fee
Fee for U.S. source income reporting to IRS (2)