Property Valuers

Property Valuers

The property of the Bank's customers, which is being purchased or pledged, will be professionally assessed by independent property valuers.


We recommend the following property valuers:

For valuation of residential property

Apus turtas, UAB

Žalgirio g. 135, 08217 Vilnius
+370 627 96605

AS&Partners, UAB

AS&Partners has a status Regulated by RICS
Jogailos g. 4, 01116 Vilnius
+370 687 81010

Butas tau, UAB

Capital Valuations / JG Valuations, UAB

S.Žukausko g. 29, Vilnius
+370 686 40016

Centro kubas – Nekilnojamasis turtas, UAB
Domus Optima, UAB

Inreal, UAB

Jungtinis verslas, UAB

Konstitucijos pr. 23B, kab. 506, Vilnius
+370 5 232 8538, +370 699 04075, +370 606 88154

Kovertas, UAB

Latmas, UAB

Lituka ir Ko, UAB

Matininkai, UAB korporacija

Newsec valuations, UAB

OBER-HAUS nekilnojamas turtas, UAB

Turto spektras, UAB

Aptarnauja Vilniaus, Kauno ir Klaipėdos miestą bei regionus.


For valuation of non‑residential property

Colliers International Advisors, UAB
Inreal, UAB

Latmas, UAB

Lituka ir Ko, UAB

Matininkai, UAB korporacija

Newsec valuations, UAB

OBER-HAUS nekilnojamas turtas, UAB