These terms and conditions for the use of Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian branch (the Bank) mobile banking application (the Conditions) define the procedure and conditions for the use of the mobile banking application (the Application).

To use the Application, you need to have an agreement signed with the Bank on the use of the banking services online (the Internet Bank).

Once you have confirmed these Conditions, you will be asked to create a short 4-digit login code (the PIN). You will have to confirm the created PIN by using the same identification tools as those used to login to the Internet Bank.

Once you have created a PIN, in the future you will be able to login and perform transactions indicated in the Application by using only your PIN. The login method by using the PIN only is hereinafter referred to as Fast Login. The list of the Bank’s services that you can use with or without Fast Login is published on the Bank’s website

The Application does not save the PIN in the mobile device. Keep your PIN code in secret, remember it and do not store in your mobile device, so that any other persons do not become aware of it. Besides the requirements specified in the Conditions, PIN is subject to all requirements related to PIN storage and treatment as provided by the agreement on the use of the banking services online as much as they are in line with the meaning and spirit of the Conditions.

In case the PIN is incorrectly entered for 5 times in a row, the performance of transactions using PIN code will be blocked. You can unblock or change your PIN in the “Settings” column of the Application or on the Internet Bank by using the same means of identification as those used to login to the Internet Bank.

Transaction limits are applied to predefined payments (to predefined beneficiaries) made using the application. The amount per transaction may not exceed EUR 300 or its equivalent in foreign currency. The overall transactions daily limit may not exceed EUR 1000, and a monthly limit may not exceed EUR 3,000 or an equivalent in foreign currency.

To ensure security of the mobile device and to additionally reduce the possibility for an unauthorised use of the Application, we recommend using screen protector and/or mobile device unauthorised access protection measures implemented by the manufacturer.

In case the mobile device is sold, donated or otherwise transferred, if you are losing control of the mobile device, the Application must be uninstalled from the mobile device and the mobile device must be removed from the list of mobile devices with activated Fast Login via the Internet bank “Mob. bank--> Fast Login“.

If you have lost your mobile device with the Application and Fast Login installed, you must notify the Bank about the loss without delay.

If the Bank becomes aware or suspects that unauthorised access to the Application is possible using Fast Login, the Bank has the right to unilaterally block Fast Login. The Bank has the right to restrict and/or terminate the possibility to use the Application at its own discretion.

The Conditions are valid when the Application is used from any mobile device and are applied without a separate introduction while you are managing all clients attributed to be managed by you on DNB Internet Bank.

These Conditions are always available on the “Settings” of the Application and on the Bank’s website

The Conditions make an integral part of the agreement on the use of the banking services on-line and are applicable to the extent they do not contradict to the provisions of the agreement on the use of the Banking Services.

The Bank has the right to unilaterally change these Conditions following the procedure defined by the Bank’s Payment Service Rules and/or by these Conditions.

In addition to the Conditions, the relations between you and the Bank while you are using the Application are also governed by the Luminor General Business Terms and the Payment Service Rules which make an integral part of these Conditions. The Conditions, the Luminor General Business Terms and the Payment Service Rules, with any further amendments and supplements there to, are available on the Bank’s website
By visiting any of the Bank branches, you have the right to obtain a printed copy of the Payment Service Rules and the Luminor General Business Terms.

The Bank may announce any amendments and supplements to these Conditions by uploading a new version of the Conditions on the “Settings” of the Application.