Insurance partners
It is an insurance company whose Life insurance services Luminor Bank AS is distributing on behalf of the insurance company.
Company code 110707135.
It is an insurance company whose Home insurance and Personal accidence insurance services Luminor Bank AS is distributing on behalf of the insurance company.
Company code 110051834.
It is a company helping to Luminor Lizingas UAB to monitor insurance coverage of leasing objects.
Company code 123712730.
This is an insurance company what provides travel and purchase insurance services to Luminor Bank AS (hereinafter - Luminor) card holders and whose Safety+ insurance services and Loan payment insurance services Luminor is distributing on behalf of the insurance company.
Company code 304080146.
It is an insurance company whose Leasing insurance services Luminor Lizingas UAB is distributing on behalf of the insurance company. Company code 300665654.