Please note, that from 31 March 2017, 12:00 customers will no longer be able to make payments by payment books of Vilnius Region, as they do not meet the requirements of SEPA regulation applied to payment services.

In order to ensure compliance of the payment collection service with the requirements of the SEPA regulation in the Republic of Lithuania, gradually, until the 1st of April 2017, the list of service providers, for services of which payments can be made by using the payment templates, will be updated in Nordea internet banking.

Instead of making payments by Payment books, until the 1st of April 201, utility bills can be paid by the following modes:

  • By choosing 'Payments and fees' option in the column 'Operations' in  Nordea internet banking and selecting the relevant service provider.
  • By ordering the service of electronic bill (e-bill).

If the service provider cannot be found in the 'Payments and fees' in Nordea internet banking or the service provider does not issue e-bills, payment for public utilities can be made by choosing the option 'Local money transfer'. When making a local transfer, the instructions given by the service provider must be followed – payer must enter the payer's code granted by the service provider to the consumer and other required data.

Customers of daily service plans: 'Viskas viename' ('All in One'), 'Viskas viename Plius' ('All in One Plus'),  'Viskas viename Auksinis' ('All in One Gold'), can make payments under 'Payments and fees' and make other payments in Euro free of charge. Automatic e-bill payment service is provided free of charge to all customers. Single transfer of e-bill payment is charged at the rate of local transfer in Euro.

We recommend our customers to seek information in advance about the options of payments accepted by your service provider and the options of utility payments available from the 1st of April 2017.

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