As part of a continued review of the product range, the Board of Directors of Nordea 1, SICAV (the “Company”) would like to inform the shareholders of the Sub-fund “Nordea 1 – Japanese Equity Fund” of its decision to terminate the Sub-fund “Nordea 1 – Japanese Equity Fund” as per 18 June 2009 in accordance with chapter “Dissolution and Merger” of the Prospectus, considering that the Sub-Fund is no longer economically viable due to its low assets under management, and that it is in the best interest of the shareholders to close the Sub-fund.
Any amount not claimed by any Shareholder will be deposited at the close of the liquidation with the Custodian Bank, Nordea Bank S.A. at 562, rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Within a period of 9 months after the decision to liquidate the Sub-fund, any outstanding amount will be deposited in escrow with the Caisse de Consignation in Luxembourg.