Is this service chargeable?

This service is free of charge.

What is a minimum and maximum amount I can choose for my savings goal?

The minimum savings goal amount is EUR 100, and the maximum savings goal amount is EUR 15,000.

What saving period can I choose?

The saving period cannot be shorter than 30 days and longer than 5 years.

What saving method can I choose?

You can choose periodic transfers of the selected amount or saving on payments made by you.

If I choose the method of saving on payments made by me, on what payments specifically?

A fixed amount of your choice will be transferred each time you pay with a payment card, make a payment order within Luminor bank, make a payment order to other banks in Lithuania, pay for services, or make e-invoice payments.

Can I cancel my savings goal earlier?

Yes. On the mobile app, open the savings goal you want to cancel and in the preview window press the Dismiss goal button. Confirm if you really want to stop saving. By amount, select the deposit linked to the savings goal you want to cancel and press the Terminate button. To confirm cancellation of the savings goal, you’ll have to go through the full e-banking login process.

Will I be charged if I cancel the savings goal earlier?

You can cancel the savings goal at any time without any extra charges.

I see that my savings goal in the “Updated” status, can I make any changes?

Changes are allowed only if the status is as follows: New, Saving, Achieved, Unreached or Rejected. After making any changes to the savings goal, its status becomes Updated. Once the administrator has confirmed changes to the savings goal, the savings goal status is changed again and saving starts already in view of the changes made.

What changes to the savings goal can I make?

What you can change is the goal title, image, amount, date by which the savings goal is reached and transfer amount.
There exists no possibility to change the account used for saving or the method of saving.

Can I add a one-time contribution to the savings goal?

Yes, log in to the internet bank > Saving and investment > My deposits >open the goal->press the Add button. After adding your savings amount will be updated.

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