Luminor Bank AB reminds that the funds and deposits held by our clients in the accounts with the bank are covered by the state company Deposit and Investment Insurance (in observance of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Insurance of Deposits and Liabilities to Investors, 2002 06 20, No. IX-975, the new version from 2015 12 03, No. XII-2054). 

Log in to your internet bank to read the detailed information, or find it in your account statements. If you still aren’t the internet bank user, you can receive information at a Luminor Bank branch near you.

Please be reminded that there are the cases in which the funds and deposits are not covered and the payout limits are applicable. To learn more, click here.

If it is important for you at any time to be aware of your personal funds insurance under the aforesaid Law, we recommend you to update your contact information on the internet bank, contact us +370 5 239 3444 or visit any of Luminor Bank branches.

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