We would like to inform you that, starting on 1 January 2017, the IKI PREMIJA Maestro and IKI PREMIJA Maestro Senjorams card issued by Nordea will no longer be part of the Iki loyalty program. Until their expiration dates, these cards will still be able to perform payments and other bank operations at all usual locations with the Maestro symbol.

When the IKI PREMIJA Maestro and IKI PREMIJA Maestro Senjorams cards' expiration dates end, new Nordea Debit payment cards will be issued. For your convenience, the Nordea bank will notify you about the issue of the Nordea Debit card before the expiration date of your IKI PREMIJA Maestro or IKI PREMIJA Maestro Senjorams card.

For new IKI PREMIJA and IKI PREMIJA Senjorams loyalty cards, please inquire at any Iki or Iki Express store.

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