From 1st of April, DNB bank will be applying new pricing to business customers who will be offered to choose from the three BizKit banking packages with a set of banking services each for a fixed monthly charge. Since November the package scheme has already been applied to private customers. The solution has got positive feedback from the customers – the majority chose the banking packages not at the least cost but with the largest number of services. To offer simpler pricing and make it consistent and easier for customers to understand, it has been decided to produce banking packages aimed also at business customers.

“We’ve identified the key daily services for business and put them together in the banking packages for each business to choose the best package to fit its needs. From now on, budget planning for daily business finances will be easier and less costly. For instance, our banking package allows entrepreneurs to save nearly half of the cost they would pay for each service within the package separately. What’s more, to become more open, we offer new business customers a free trial of the key daily services for one year,” – says Andrius Ivašauskas, DNB Small Business Clients Department Manager.
Business customers will be able to choose from the three different banking packages – BizKit S, BizKit M, BizKit L. These banking packages are available to order already now.
The smallest BizKit S banking package will cost EUR 5 per month. It includes two accounts, 10 transfers in euros via internet banking, account credit transfers, a debit card, and a code generator. If to pay for each such service separately, the average cost makes about EUR 10 per month.
The BizKit M banking package will include four accounts, 25 transfers in euros via internet banking, account credit transfers, two debit cards, and a code generator. This package will cost EUR 9 per month if compared to the average amount of about EUR 23 if paid for each such service separately.
The BizKit L banking package will include the unlimited number of accounts, 55 transfers in euros via internet banking, account credit transfers, two debit cards, a credit card, and a code generator. This package will be available for EUR 18 per month if compared to the average cost of about EUR 36 if paid for each such service separately.
Besides, the currently applied fees for account maintenance and account crediting will be no longer applied. One minimum account fee of EUR 2.2 per month will be charged instead. Therefore those customers who consider a banking package to be irrelevant will be paying the minimum account fee and the standard fees and charges under the renewed price list.
The rate for transfers in euros will change – transfers in euros within the bank will cost EUR 0.29 and EUR 0.39 if sent to other banks.

More information you can find here.

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