To ensure better security of its clients’ funds, from 2017 02 01 DNB bank is changing the limits for standard online transactions.

From 1st of February 2017, lower transaction limits will be set automatically for all bank clients, who use internet bank. The same as before, their amounts will depend on the device selected for online banking login and transaction confirmation.
Both the new and present limits for DNB transactions in internet bank are provided in the table below.

With TAN card

  Before 2017 02 01  After 2017 02 01
Limit per transaction, EUR 50 000 3 500
Daily transaction limit, EUR 50 000 3 500
Monthly transaction limit, EUR 100 000 10 000

With code generator, mobile electronic signature and regular electronic signature

  Before 2017 02 01  After 2017 02 01
Limit per transaction, EUR 100 000 000 200 000
Daily transaction limit, EUR 100 000 000 200 000
Monthly transaction limit, EUR 500 000 000 2 000 000

If the clients are willing to adjust the automatically set limits according to their needs, from 23rd of December 2016 they can do that by filling out the application in internet bank or at any of the bank branches. However, starting from now we recommend to visit branch and instead of TAN card to acquire the code generator. You can acquire the mobile e-signature from your mobile telecommunications operator, while the regular e-signature is distributed by VĮ Registrų Centras or UAB Skaitmeninio Sertifikavimo Centras. You can also use the electronic personal ID card.

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