Nordea Bank reduces the investment fund service fees for private customers. All private customer fees decreasing and “Gold customer” fees remains the same (Changes will enter into force on 01.07.2016).

You can find private customer pricelist on the Bank’s homepage

Also on 01.07.2016, an amendment regarding the Swedish deposit guarantee scheme will enter into force in Nordea Bank`s general terms and conditions.

According to a decision of the Swedish National Debt Office disburse payment will be paid to the VĮ „Indėlių ir investicijų draudimas“ within seven days (previously 20 business days) from the date when circumstances occur for the guarantee to enter into force.

All the deposits in all types of accounts at Nordea Bank AB Lithuania Branch are protected by the Swedish deposit insurance scheme. Deposit insurance covers deposits as well as current accounts. All customers covered under by the scheme are entitled to compensation for the total funds on his or her account(s) in a maximum amount equivalent to EUR 100,000. Payment will be made by the VĮ „Indėlių ir investicijų draudimas“ on behalf of the Swedish National Debt Office.

You can find the general terms and conditions` full text on the Bank`s homepage.

If you have any questions, please contact Nordea Customer Support at or call +370 5 236 1361.

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