On 1 February 2016, DNB bank introduced the basic payment account service and amended the Payment Service Rules of AB DNB Bankas.

Basic payment account service

On 1 February, DNB bank introduced the basic payment account service to private customers. The service consists of unlimited euro credit transfers, unlimited euro transfers on-line within the European Economic Area, a payment card with cash withdrawal up to EUR 550 in DNB and SEB ATMs with no extra charge, as well as other basic payment services. The basic payment account service charge makes EUR 1.50 per month, while disadvantaged persons are charged EUR 0.75 per month.

Other amendments to the Payment Service Rules

The Payment Service Rules of AB DNB Bankas were supplemented with the “basic payment account” concept and paragraphs 7.6 and 7.7.
Paragraph 7.6, with effect from 1 February 2017, describes the procedure for the provision of the basic payment account service.
Paragraph 7.7, with effect from 1 April 2017, describes the provision of the payment service packages to legal entities.    
The new version of the Payment Service Rules is available here (in Lithuanian). 
Please note that payment service users have the right to not accept the amendments to the Payment Service Rules and to refuse particular payment services that were amended without paying any commission fees.

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