We are changing the pricing of some of the services for all business customers and implementing new fees for non-residents. Also, we are adjusting the wording to make the Price List more transparent and easily understandable for our customers.

Product name in price list Fee price and name currently Fee price and name starting from 2022‑04‑01 Type of change
Account management
Account opening
Upon individual agreement, min. €1000
Non-Lithuanian residents
Upon individual agreement, min. €1000
Non-resident of Lithuania, registered in the EEA
Fee name changed
Account management
Account opening
Upon individual agreement, min. €1000
Non-resident of Lithuania, registered outside the EEA
Fee name changed
Account management
Account maintenance
Account maintenance monthly fee
Account maintenance monthly fee
Fee price changed
Account management
Account maintenance
Additional maintaining the account monthly fee for:
- Non-resident of Lithuania, registered in the EEA (except Luminor Group customer, non-Lithuanian resident)
New fee added
Account management
Account maintenance
Additional maintaining the account monthly fee for:
- Non-resident of Lithuania, registered outside the EEA
New fee added
Account management
Account maintenance
Additional maintaining the account monthly fee for:
- Lithuanian resident with at least one direct shareholder (6) non-EEA resident
(6) Direct shareholder is considered to be a person (legal entity or natural person) directly holding >25% shares of the legal entity.
New fee added
Account management
Account maintenance
(Central Bank annual interest rate (4) minus 0.3% point) /360
Additional account management fee (2):
for financial institutions (3) if the total balance exceeds: EUR 1 000 000; SEK 9 500 000; DKK 7 500 000; CHF 1 000 000; JPY 132 000 000; CZK 25 500 000.

(2) The fee is calculated at the end of each day and is applicable if, at the time of calculation, the total balance of all accounts of one customer in the same currency exceeds the total balance in the respective currency indicated above. The fee is calculated by multiplying the total balance by the absolute value (i.e., module) of the respective fee indicated above. The fee does not apply if the Central Bank annual interest rate becomes positive or zero (for financial institutions – if the Central Bank annual interest rate is equal to or exceeds 0.3%). The fee is debited from the account latest by the 10th day of the following calendar month.
(3) Financial institutions are entities (including branches, representatives offices etc.) which provide financial services, including but not limited to: credit institutions, credit unions, credit providers and intermediaries, payment institutions, electronic money institutions, other payment service providers, insurance, re-insurance companies and insurance intermediaries, financial brokerage companies, investment management and brokerage companies, collective investment undertakings and asset management companies (including pension funds), companies carrying out the buying and selling of the foreign currency cash, providers of financial leasing or consumer credit services, crowdfunding companies, loan (e.g. peer-to-peer lending) marketplaces.
(4) The Central Bank annual interest rate is the annual interest rate set by the central bank for the respective currency:
• for EUR currency - ECB deposit facility rate;
• for SEK currency - Sveriges Riksbank repo rate;
• for DKK currency - Danmarks Nationalbank Certificates of deposit rate;
• for CHF currency - Swiss National Bank negative interest rate;
• for JPY currency - Bank of Japan complementary deposit facility rate;
• for CZK currency - Czech National Bank deposit facility rate.
(Central Bank annual interest rate (4) minus 0.3% point) /360
Account balance fee (2):
for financial institutions (3) if the total balance exceeds: EUR 0; SEK 0; DKK 0; CHF 0; JPY 0; CZK 0.

(2) The fee is calculated at the end of each day and is applicable if, at the time of calculation, the total balance of all accounts of one customer in the same currency exceeds the total balance in the respective currency indicated above. The fee is calculated by multiplying the total balance by the absolute value (i.e., module) of the respective fee indicated above. The fee does not apply if the Central Bank annual interest rate becomes positive or zero (for financial institutions – if the Central Bank annual interest rate is equal to or exceeds 0.3%). The fee is debited from the account latest by the 10th day of the following calendar month.
(3) Financial institutions are entities (including branches, representatives offices etc.) which provide financial services, including but not limited to: credit institutions, credit unions, credit providers and intermediaries, payment institutions, electronic money institutions, other payment service providers, insurance, re-insurance companies and insurance intermediaries, financial brokerage companies, investment management and brokerage companies, collective investment undertakings and asset management companies (including pension funds), companies carrying out the buying and selling of the foreign currency cash, providers of financial leasing or consumer credit services, crowdfunding companies, loan (e.g. peer-to-peer lending) marketplaces.
(4) The Central Bank annual interest rate is the annual interest rate set by the central bank for the respective currency:
• for EUR currency - ECB deposit facility rate;
• for SEK currency - Sveriges Riksbank repo rate;
• for DKK currency - Danmarks Nationalbank Certificates of deposit rate;
• for CHF currency - Swiss National Bank negative interest rate;
• for JPY currency - Bank of Japan complementary deposit facility rate;
• for CZK currency - Czech National Bank deposit facility rate.
Thershold and fee name changed
Account management
Account maintenance
(Central Bank annual interest rate (4) minus 0.1% point)/360
Additional account management fee (2):
for other legal entities if the Bank notifies the customer individually 30 calendar days in advance and the total balance exceeds: EUR 1 000 000; SEK 9 500 000; DKK 7 500 000; CHF 1 000 000; JPY 132 000 000; CZK 25 500 000.

(2) The fee is calculated at the end of each day and is applicable if, at the time of calculation, the total balance of all accounts of one customer in the same currency exceeds the total balance in the respective currency indicated above. The fee is calculated by multiplying the total balance by the absolute value (i.e., module) of the respective fee indicated above. The fee does not apply if the Central Bank annual interest rate becomes positive or zero (for financial institutions – if the Central Bank annual interest rate is equal to or exceeds 0.3%). The fee is debited from the account latest by the 10th day of the following calendar month.
(4) The Central Bank annual interest rate is the annual interest rate set by the central bank for the respective currency:
• for EUR currency - ECB deposit facility rate;
• for SEK currency - Sveriges Riksbank repo rate;
• for DKK currency - Danmarks Nationalbank Certificates of deposit rate;
• for CHF currency - Swiss National Bank negative interest rate;
• for JPY currency - Bank of Japan complementary deposit facility rate;
• for CZK currency - Czech National Bank deposit facility rate.
(Central Bank annual interest rate (4) minus 0.1% point)/360
Account balance fee (2):
for other legal entities if the Bank notifies the customer individually 15 calendar days in advance and the total balance exceeds: EUR 500 000; SEK 5 000 000; DKK 3 750 000; CHF 500 000; JPY 65 000 000; CZK 12 500 000.

(2) The fee is calculated at the end of each day and is applicable if, at the time of calculation, the total balance of all accounts of one customer in the same currency exceeds the total balance in the respective currency indicated above. The fee is calculated by multiplying the total balance by the absolute value (i.e., module) of the respective fee indicated above. The fee does not apply if the Central Bank annual interest rate becomes positive or zero (for financial institutions – if the Central Bank annual interest rate is equal to or exceeds 0.3%). The fee is debited from the account latest by the 10th day of the following calendar month.
(4) The Central Bank annual interest rate is the annual interest rate set by the central bank for the respective currency:
• for EUR currency - ECB deposit facility rate;
• for SEK currency - Sveriges Riksbank repo rate;
• for DKK currency - Danmarks Nationalbank Certificates of deposit rate;
• for CHF currency - Swiss National Bank negative interest rate;
• for JPY currency - Bank of Japan complementary deposit facility rate;
• for CZK currency - Czech National Bank deposit facility rate.
Thershold, fee name and conditions for communcation changed

Other services

Product name in price list Fee price and name currently Fee price and name starting from 2022‑04‑01 Type of change
Other services
Bank statements
Additional fee for issuing a Bank statement at the customer's request within a period not longer than 3 business days
Additional fee for issuing a Bank statement at the customer's request within a period not longer than 3 business days (2).
(2) Service is not provided regarding letters for customer’s auditors.
Footnote (2) added


Product name in price list Fee price and name currently Fee price and name starting from 2022‑04‑01 Type of change
Business Package M €10
Monthly fee
Monthly fee
Fee price changed


Product name in price list Fee price and name currently Fee price and name starting from 2022‑04‑01 Type of change
Factoring services Factoring services (1)
(1) Factoring services are provided by both Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch and Luminor Lizingas UAB.
Factoring services (1)
(1) Factoring services are provided by Luminor Lizingas UAB.
Footnote (1) adjusted

Investments services

Product name in price list Fee price and name currently Fee price and name starting from 2022‑04‑01 Type of change
Investments services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.02% of the amount (min. €1)
Securities with ISIN code starting with EE, LV, LT
0.02% of the amount (min. €1)
Baltic Securities
Fee name changed
Investments services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.04% of the amount (min. €1.5)
Securities with ISIN codes starting with US, GB, IE, DE, AT, FR, ES, BE, NL, LU, FI, NO, SE, DK, EU
0.04% of the amount (min. €1.5)
Global securities (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA)
Fee name changed
Investments services
Securities account quarterly maintenance fee
0.03% of the amount (min. €1.5)
Securities with ISIN code starting with XS
0.03% of the amount (min. €1.5)
Eurobond Securities
Fee name changed
Investments services
Other securities related services
€20 + external costs
Issuing documents which allow customer to participate in AGM/EGM
As individually agreed
Participation in general shareholder’s meeting
Fee price and name changed
Investments services
Other securities related services
€20 + external costs
Instructing custodian banks about voluntary corporate actions based on customer instruction
€20 + external costs
Processing of securities related optional events
Fee name changed