Please be informed that on 1 October 2017 a new wording of the General Rules on the Provision of Services of AB DNB Bankas will enter into force.

The main changes are given below:
The Rules have been updated to include a new definition of “Person Related to the Bank” to clarify the persons to whom the Bank is entitled to transmit the customer’s and customer representative’s data and information related to them. The “Companies of the Bank’s Group” definition was refused.
The Rules have been updated to include two new sections:
“18. Information Disclosure and Data Transmission” to enforce the Bank’s right to disclose the Customer’s personal data, information considered to be the Bank secret and confidential information to a Person Related to the Bank or to a person which has acquired direct or indirect holding in the Bank and to any person directly or indirectly controlled by the person which has acquired direct or indirect holding in the Bank if providing of the data is necessary for the compliance with the requirements set by the regulatory enactments governing activities of the respective person;
“25. Assignment of Rights and Duties” to enforce the right to assign, in whole or in part, the rights and duties of the Bank arising out of the Agreement to the third persons and establishes a customer’s duty to obtain the Bank’s written permit in the case he is willing to assign his rights and duties under the Agreement to the third persons.
You can find the updated version of the General Rules on the Provision of Services here.
Please note that these changes are binding on the customers and apply to all agreements entered into between the Bank and a customer. It is considered that a customer has agreed to accept these General Rules on the Provision of Services of AB DNB Bankas when entering into the agreement or before starting to use the Bank’s services

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