Simple Credit Line

Simple Credit Line

Simple Credit Line

  • A simple credit line is a convenient tool to ensure stable cash flows when the company faces unexpected expenses or delays in collections or needs to acquire current assets. A simple credit line can also be issued with a credit card
  • Manage your finances better and immediately access funds when you need it most

Why choose Simple Credit Line?

  • Borrow and repay funds depending on your business needs
  • No real estate pledge
  • Maturity up to 3 years
  • You pay as much as you use


  • Loan period up to 3 years
  • Minimum amount EUR 500
  • Maximum amount up to EUR 30,000
  • We may ask you for an owner's guarantee or a financial pledge

And that's it!

How to get a Simple Credit Line

Define goals. Define your business development goals and required resources

Submit documents. Complete the application form and provide the necessary documents

Wait for an answer. We will assess your application and contact you with our decision and details on how much we can lend you

Sign the agreement. Agree to and sign the loan contract

Money disbursement. The money will be transferred to account

You will need the following documents

  • Completed application form
  • Financial reports from the last two years. Please include balance, profit-loss statement and cash-flow statement if you are drafting this
  • Collateral valuation report by an accepted real estate valuator
  • You may also be requested to provide additional details and/or documents

Credit line helps businesses run smoothly