Guarantee limits with ILTE individual guarantees

Guarantee limits with ILTE individual guarantees

Guarantee limits with ILTE individual guarantees

  • ILTE guarantees enable financial institutions to provide financing to companies in case of insufficient or unacceptable collateral

What companies are eligible for ILTE guarantees?

Small, medium, and large companies operating in Lithuania.

Purpose of financing

  • The guarantee limit for issuing bank guarantees and credit lines for payments under the guarantees issued.
  • Financing of investments into tangible and/ or intangible assets and/ or working capital needs.

Other conditions 

  • Financing can be granted for covering investments made from the company‘s own funds (not earlier than within 6 months before the date of receipt and registration of the application for ILTE guarantee)
  • The company is required to participate in the project‘s financing by making a contribution of at least 20 % of the project's value.
  • The number of agreements per company (on group level) is unlimited, provided that the De minimis aid threshold is not exceeded.

ILTE guarantee amount

Up to 80 %* of the loan amount or the guarantee limit amount.

- when purchasing real estate – up to 50 %.
- when depositing cash or pledging the deposit – up to 80 % of the difference between the amount specified in the agreement and deposited cash/pledged deposit amount.

The maximum amount of ILTE guarantee:

  • For small and medium-sized companies – EUR 5,000,000
  • For large companies – EUR 2,250,000
  • If the company has been granted several ILTE guarantees, the aggregate outstanding amount under these ILTE guarantees may not exceed EUR 10,000,000

ILTE guarantee fee

Guarantee remuneration calculator

For more information about ILTE individual guarantees as well as the required documentation:

Business loans with ILTE guarantees