Only a legal entity registered at the State Enterprise Centre of Registers (SECR) may become a business customer remotely. You will need:

  • documents of incorporation and registration of the legal entity, signed electronically at SECR;
  • information on company’s beneficiaries submitted to the SECR Beneficiaries Subsystem JANGIS.

Do you have authentication tools: Smart‑ID with a qualified electronic signature or a Mobile signature?

No, I don't.

If you don't have a Smart‑ID with a qualified electronic signature or a Mobile signature or are a foreign national, please visit Luminor's Customer Service Centre. You can book your appointment in advance by phone +370 5 239 3444

To manage the company's accounts, you will need access to the Luminor internet bank.
You can obtain it in two ways:
1. Become a Luminor private customer. If you are not yet Luminor private customer and would like to become one, please apply here.
2. Fill in Know Your Customer questionnaire, save it in PDF format, sign with an electronic signature and e‑mail us at Once we have received your completed questionnaire, we will contact you by phone to arrange a video call for your identification.