Authentification data provision

Bank Authentification data provision (E-Identification) allows companies to identify users in a reliable manner; users do not need to be provided with new login passwords. This service is easy to use since the login procedure is the same as with the internet banking.

Why choose authentification data provision solution?

  • Safety. You know exactly whom you conclude your transactions with since the internet banking system identifies the user.
  • No risk. Personal user information is forwarded via safe channels; therefore, it is inaccessible to third parties.
  • Simplicity. This service is easy to use, the login is the same as with the internet banking, and new login passwords are not required.

Start using authentication data provision service is easy!

Fill in request form, contact a bank's consultant or call +370 5 239 3444. We will give you a quote, application form and a sample agreement.

Sign the agreement. Complete application, agree and sign the agreement

Receive instructions. We will send you all the necessary documents and further instructions from the bank.

Sync systems. Integrate e-commerce into your e-shop.

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