How to recall a payment?

  1. In the Internet bank. After connecting please select "Payments" and "Payments List". Find the payment you want to cancel:
    a) If the payment is not "Executed", then mark the payment and press "Reject / Delete Selected"
    b) If the payment status is "Executed", application should be filled out. Please select "Applications" and press "New application". Select the document group "Transfers" and submit the completed application "Request to cancel/correct transfer"
  2. Upon arrival at the nearest bank customer service center and submitting an application
  3. By calling +370 5 239 3444

It is worth to mention that:

  • In cases funds have already been credited to the recipient or sent to the recipient's bank, the recall of the funds depends on the recipient's decision.
  • The bank applies service fee according to pricelist for recalling the transfer. The fee is applied regardless of whether the recipient has agreed to return the funds.
  • Usually, SEPA payment recall takes up to 15 working days. Recalls for international payments may take longer.

What is payment recall process?

1. Luminor approach recipient's bank with a request to return a specific payment.
2. The recipient's bank contacts the recipient and checks whether the payment can be returned:

  • If the recipient gives consent, the funds are returned to the payer's account.
  • If the recipient does not give consent, the funds are not returned and the payer is informed by a phone call.

It is worth to mention that:

  • Usually, in case of SEPA payments, the response from the recipient's bank regarding the recipient's (dis)agreement to refund the funds is received within 15 calendar days from the submission of the request to the recipient's bank. In case of international payments, this may take longer.
  • If no response is received from the recipient's bank after 15 calendar days from the submission of the request to the recipient's bank, the payer is informed in the "Messages" section of the online banking platform.
  • In cases funds have already been credited to the recipient or sent to the recipient's bank, the recall of the funds depends on the recipient's decision.
  • The bank applies service fee according to pricelist for recalling the transfer. The fee is applied regardless of whether the recipient has agreed to return the funds.

What is an IBAN?

An IBAN is a format of International Bank Account Number that is mandatory in the European Union member states. This format facilitates settlements between partners in different countries, with different banking authentication and account numbering systems. Therefore, be sure to include your account number with the IBAN in the beneficiary’s account field for payments in euros to European Economic Area country banking clients. If you do not specify the IBAN, your payment will not be provided as a transfer in euros, your recipient’s bank charges will increase and the process will take longer, because the payment will be carried out as a transfer in another currency.
See countries where an IBAN is mandatory or strongly recommended.

What details do I have to provide for the bank to properly execute a transfer in euros?

As part of the customer-initiated payment order, we transfer the information in the payment order to the recipient’s financial institution. Fill in all transfer fields marked with an asterisk to complete the transfer. However, regardless of the mandatory information, payment orders will be executed and credited to the beneficiary’s account based on “unique details” and without verifying the compliance with other information (such as the recipient’s name or company name). 

NOTE: Make sure you have entered the correct account number. Payment transactions are processed based on the beneficiary’s account given by you. In case the account number is specified incorrectly, the funds may be credited into the account of another customer even if the beneficiary’s name is specified correctly.

 “Unique details” for transfers in euros within the bank or to another bank in Lithuania: 

  • The payer’s account number;
  • The beneficiary’s account number;
  • The beneficiary’s personal or company number (if we request it).

Make sure that the payer’s and beneficiary’s accounts are in IBAN format when transferring funds.

What type of fees can I choose for payment transfers to service providers within the European Economic Area?

According to the laws of the EU and the Republic of Lithuania, transfers in euros to other service providers registered in Lithuania other European Union (EU) countries, Switzerland and the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) – Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are only available with the SHA type of fee. Charges for this type of payment can only be applied by the payment service providers of the payer and of the payee.

What payment details must be provided to a foreign business partner in order to receive funds to my account at Luminor?

  • Your full name 
  • Your IBAN (20 characters) account number with our bank 
  • The beneficiary’s payment service provider (bank) name (Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian Branch) and SWIFT code (AGBLLT2X)